Marceline had been up since around four in the morning. She was always awake before dawn, for her daily jog around campus, down main street, through the park and back. A total of three miles, every morning. Rather then going back to her dorm room she headed straight for the gym to do some yoga, and then she hit the showers. The gym showers beat the dorm shower, as they always had hot water, and much less chatty girls in it. Fresh and clean she got her change of clothes out of her gym locker. A black crop top, high waist jeans, maroon converse, and her olive green jacket made up her [url=]outfit[/url] of the day. Black eye liner, some mascara, and gold necklaces finished off her look. She never did anything with her hair, she just let air dry into a tangled wavy mess. It was around 8 when she finished getting dressed, and doing her makeup. Appraising herself in the mirror, she loved how she looked under a glamour, with pretty blonde hair and an overall normal human appearance. But she was not a big fan of her true appearance, sparkly gold skin, metallic hair, and the birdlike eyes of a Weevil Fae. She normally kept her glamour up in public, and around Gringore. But if any Supernatural person concentrated hard enough on her face, they could see past the glamour. In a school of around 500 students everyone eventually knew eachother. There were only 12 other Weevil students including herself, and most other supernaturals races didn't look so different from humans. Some odd eye colors, a pair of wings, or pointy ears was a normal thing to see around Gringore, Weevils on the other hand not so much. Being a semi-rare fae was annoying. But Glamour up and looking good, Marceline yawned and left the gym. The Cafeteria was her next destination. Gringore's food was good, and hardly cost a thing. Which was a good thing, as the only thing in her dorm room mini-fridge was leftover Chinese noodles, an expired cherry yogurt, a melon powerade, and her roommates crap. her new roommate, Ariel, was kind of odd, very quite, and seemed to keep to herself, which was fine with Marceline. Ariel was way better then her roommate last year, a hyper fairy, with ocd was no fun at all. Walking through the cafeteria door, she saw a handful of people she knew, but the place was mostly full of new people, that though registering for morning class was a good idea, and looked like they were regretting it. There was never any lines for food this early in the morning. Grabbing a tray, she ordered a ham, mushroom, swiss, spinach, and sweet pepper omelet. She wondered around the display of chips, and fridges full of drink choices, while she waited for the chef, Bruce, to cook it up for her. She grabbed a strawberry milk, and a packet of ketchup. Once she payed for her omelet, and drink, she walked over to the table near the big windows, and sat down. People watching as she ate. She noticed a guy walking in, and was so sure she had met him before. [i]'How do I know that pretty boy...?'[/i]She thought to herself, she never forgot a face or a name, so being stump right now was frustrating. And that when it dawned on her, she remembered seeing him in the picture her roommate Ariel had on her desk. It was her twin brother. [i]'What did she say his name was? James, Johnny, Jack?'[/i] She wondered to herself. He was attractive, and striking up a conversation seemed like something to do.