[quote=@Dead Cruiser] My idea is for something like a less malevolent version of the C'Tan from Warhammer. Imagine a race of energy beings that live inside of and feed on stars. Perhaps due to their parasitic nature, they stay under the radar in regards to the Canon, and as such are unknown to the Jarav. From here on my ideas are a little hazy, and I could use some help ironing them out. Perhaps with the arrival of the Jarav, the Star Vampire saw its secrecy within Sol as jeopardized, and fled to hide within a human form. Potentially, it has been literally inside of humans for generations, resulting in a long line of metahumans with its power within them. Thoughts, or better ideas? [/quote] So your hero would, like Superman, be solar-powered? I think that would be fine. What other powers would this lineage give? For some more galactic backstory, each arm of the Milky Way Galaxy has been assigned a caretaker species by the Canon. The Jarav have been caretakers of the Sagitarrius arm for a few thousands of years, their creators were the caretakers before that. Does your alien only inhabit the stars of non-canonized species in order to avoid detection, and move on once the Jarav presence becomes more focused? And for some reason, instead of fleeing to another star, this particular one chose to remain on Earth. Would it have possessed a human, living as a symbiote, and transferring itself to its child/children if/when the parent died, or did it manifest a human body and live life as a human, mating and giving its powers to its child/children? Since it's only been 30 years since the Jarav made themselves known, and thus become fully invested in Earth, your alien lineage might only be two generations long (alien parent and half-alien child). I can think of potential reactions the Canon might have should they ever discover that a parasitic, solar energy devouring species was ever discovered. If the amount of energy drained is insignificant with respect to the total energy output (AKA lifespan) of the star, the Canon may choose to classify it as a non-threat. If it is significant, well, we might have another galactic purge on our hands. For the greater good, and all that. [quote=@VitaVitaAR] Hmm, well, I could change that but I'd think making it just vibrations would kind of get rid of the "blast" part of "Blast Girl". I was kind of running off of non-real-world logic when I came up with a new form of explosive nonlethal energy for her the first time, um. And I suppose I can cut the Horrors then, I'm a little sad since it drops one of Charlotte's villains but she has a lot of others. [/quote] I wouldn't worry about the whole vibrations thing, but maybe there would be other materials resistant to her blast, for example, gel-like substances, so a villain for Blast Girl may be someone who uses a lot of gels, and sets up 'sticky' situations. So like a weakness. Anyways, consider Blast Girl accepted, you can put her in the Characters tab. Sorry about the starfish. Maybe instead of them being tied to space-alien demonic beings, that they are associated to some purely magical, mythological or religious demonic being? For example, let's say the starfish are a form of 'hellspawn'. The witch who summoned them would claim that she performed a ritual, and Satan himself granted these minions to her. While no one can disprove that these starfish came from Satan, the witch herself also cannot definitively prove that these starfish came from Satan, or even from Hell for that matter because she claims Satan always 'refuses' to show himself. Basically, the way magic works is we sort of just have to take the magic-user's word for it because magic in this world has a weird way of not letting itself be proven or disproven.