[center][h1][color=powderblue]Malrunwa[/color][/h1][/center] [color=black]With every figure that pasted by, a new dark thought swirled through the murky evil of her mind. and with each human that passed by her, hatred blazed within her chest with a flame. So hot and bright, it could melt anything the dare touches its hungry tongue. The thoughts were of torture. of death. She wondered how each person screamed. How it would feel with their blood between her fingers. And with each thought, with each notion of murder, she felt closer in some way to returning the debt to her dead sister. Humans were pitiful, evil creatures. Bred to destroy. Now Malrunwa would put them in their proper place, at the bottom of the food chain. Never could she have predicted what her actions would do. Like a domino effect, after her outbreak on the day of her sisters execution, other royals joined. Royals who hated the human scum where taking their place besides her. Cutting the humans down. Although Malrunwa, had perfected her method's in killing. By killing humans off one at a time. She could savor each death. Like a bit of a delicate meal. Not only that, but than she had the opportunity to strike fear into the other petty humans hearts. By hanging the insides of the ugly monsters all over the village. This, yes, this was the best way to get her revenge. Making them suffer. Every time she heard someone crying over a loved one, who in which she had killed. She felt no remorse. Only a burning satisfaction. Rose had been the only one there for her when her father and mother had died. But when they had killed rose, the evil scum. They had left her alone. With no one. Now she would leave them with no one. Make them feel the same pain in which she had felt. And still feels. [/color]