A low grumble escaped from the mouth of the sleeping dragon, his human shape sprawled out across the to small bed. His feet hung off the end, his right hand dangling off of the side. He wasn't too accustomed to the bed, his hiding having not been full of the things that normal generally enjoyed. Like beds. He still accepted it, crashing out like a light as soon as he decides to go to sleep. He never noticed his roommates movements at night, even with the knowledge that his roommate didn't sleep at night. Another groan escaped him and he kicked the sheets off of his body, a large yawn causing his mouth to open. He ran a hand through his short hair, pushing his body into a sitting position. A quick glance at the clock confirmed his suspicions. He woke up late. Guess there was no working out today for him. He got up, brushing his teeth quickly then getting dressed into a form fitting black t-shirt and cargo shorts, with a pair of plain sneakers. Satisfied with his appearance, he exited his room, glad to have made the choice of showering the night before. Once he reached the outside, he blinked against the light shining in his eyes, looking around. In time to head the shouting of a boy, yelling at another, who if he remembered correctly is a vampire. He heaved a sigh, walking over, sticking his hands inside his pockets. He wanted to know what on earth was going on here. He so then expressed his thoughts, his deep voice rumbling out," What on earth is going on here?" His multiple colored eyes looked back and forth between the two, dragging his hands out now to fold them across his chest, arching a single eyebrow