[center][b]Ialu[/b][/center] [center][b]Level 5 Hero[/b][/center] Like otherworldly wraiths they lurked in the shadows, stalking between the trees at the edge of the forest. Led by none other than the illustrious Chief Ialu, this particular hunting party was having good luck. The other tribesmen had also went hunting in other parts of these lands, since their game liked to move about. Still, nothing never evaded these hunters for long. It had not been long but already they knew every hill, boulder, and creek of this expanse, for it was their homeland. Spotting a patch of brown off into the distance amidst a sea of green, Ialu silently signaled for the others to freeze. His eyes squinted, trying to determine if the brown spot was an animal. After a few moments it moved, confirming Ialu's suspicions. The hunt began! The party broke off, silently and meticulously treading through the woods, careful to keep their distance as they moved to encircle the three stags that they had seen. After giving them ample time to get into position, Ialu moved forward. There were others that could have done this, but he was the best at doing what came next. Once he was perhaps fifty yards from his prey, Ialu outstretched a hand and summoned forth the power of the Wi. Feeling his magic grip one of the hapless animals, Ialu wrenched his wrist to the side and used his telekinesis to snap its neck. Sensing danger, the other two bolted off the moment that the first one fell. With some effort Ialu used the Wi to break a leg on one of them. The other, rapidly getting out of his range, was far harder to arrest. It took all of Ialu's might to reach out with the Wi to wrestle the animal and hold it in place while the other hunters rushed to finish it off with spears. The one with the broken leg was similarly dispatched. As the hunters took their game out of the wood and into the grasslands, the followed a stream for some time before the fortified village that was their home. From afar their village looked impressive, at least more so than any ramshackle cluster of hovels that existed elsewhere. The village took the form of a dense collection of squat, low-lying huts huddled together atop a hill. Immediately alongside the hill was situated the river full of fish and a small grove of trees along the banks. It was in the shade beneath those trees where the tribesmen sparred and convened. The hill itself had been transformed into something of a mesa. In a similar fashion to how they suddenly began speaking, Ialu's band had suddenly felt an overwhelming urge to build shelters and cease sleeping beneath the trees, faces up to gaze at the stars and suffer the rain at night. Ialu and his band had spent many months building this village that was now theirs. Not long after their huts were done, another strange feeling overpowered their senses: they found themselves with the odd notion to meditate, and lo and behold, in doing so they discovered the Wi that had been dormant within them for so long! Like the other men of Galbar, they quickly mastered telekinesis. Using this newfound talent, Ialu had demanded that his people shape the very earth, ripping up huge trenches that would scar the ground and then moving the earth to the base of the hill. In this way, they built earthworks that turned the shallow hill's slopes into vertical cliffs of sorts, with the channels leading to the river to create a moat surrounding most of these walls. Then they had uprooted entire trees, sharpening the ends of the logs and erected a palisade to hold their earthen wall in place: like giant stakes being hammered into the ground, entire trees were woven together and used to reinforce the earthworks. From the ground to outside to the ground inside the village there was a difference of perhaps ten feet, but the moat below and the wooden palisade that extended above the dirt within made for a climb of perhaps 18 feet, for any that would try to scale the village's walls. There was only one ramp that cut through the wall and led up into the city, and while it had no gate, the narrow path would funnel enemies into the village no more than three abreast, where they would be slaughtered like deer in that choke point. Indeed constructing such a bastion had taken the better part of a year, even with a great deal of manpower and powerful Wi, but Ialu had demanded that the work be done. There would come a day when all of this proved necessary and worthwhile, he feared. Such a day was inevitable, as the village could not remain unknown to the Dyun and Cimex forever. The tribe of his had grumbled, but they would praise his wisdom when the day finally came that the village was under attack. This reluctant acceptance of his authority and lack of challenges to his authority were a slow and gradual state of affairs to come about, yet the subtle change had not slipped by Ialu, and it had not happened by mere chance. He now had better rhetoric and perhaps three or four years of wisdom and experience to call upon, and so he had managed to secure his position as leader and learn how to more effectively herd the sheep. Once more, the shepherd was in control of his flock of sheep, or perhaps that was not so and he had only become arrogant enough to think that he was. In any case, Ialu's leadership had been at least somewhat honed with experience, he had come a long ways since that day when his following parted ways. In that time, however, Ialu had accomplished more than simply growing into his role as chieftain. While the rest of the sheep in his village and elsewhere were content to merely uproot trees and hurl stones with the telekinesis granted by the Wi, Ialu had seen its potential. It amazed him how no others had seen it: the potential for the ultimate weapon. So it was that Ialu was proactive about acquiring this new weapon for his people, that they might survive and prosper while others would be defeated. He had not felt his inner urges for many years, not since he had grown beyond being a mere savage that prowled the forests in search of monsters to kill. Now, however, that fire came back to his mind: it consumed him with its passion and fervor, warmed him on the many cold and sleepless nights that he spent working to satiate his goal. After countless hours of practice, Ialu had managed to develop a new way of using the Wi. It was nothing terribly new or groundbreaking, really, in fact it was surprising that the others hadn't figured it out first. Perhaps they were not more clever than Ialu after all. As to what it was that Ialu had discovered, well, it was just telekinesis of a different flavor. The hero, ever practical, saw little point in creating an ethereal blade out of the Wi, hurling stones at foes, or even reinforcing the bodies of his own warriors. All of that was mere child's play, tussling in the grass where Wi could be used for true fighting. Ialu had realized that if one knew the anatomy of something, be it a ferocious Cimex or a mere rabbit, killing it with the Wi was an elementary task. Far easier than uprooting the tree, killing something took little more than using telekinesis to snap its neck, tear its heart, squeeze its throat... Of course, the challenge was in being able to do such delicate and precise actions to hidden and tiny parts within a moving enemy, while in the thick of battle. This was the hardest part to learn. However, given enough time and practice, Ialu eventually honed his skills by practicing them on prey during hunts, killing animals from afar in much the same way that he had killed the very deer that his hunting party now brought back to the village. The others did not take to learning this new form of Wi near as quickas he had, for they lacked the utter devotion and obsession that had filled his mind as he had developed the art, but nonetheless the others learned in due time. Ialu's tribe - yes, that was what they were now: family, kin, a tribe - now had warriors to wield spear, club, and Wi alike. The combination of those three weapons made for a strong adversary, and a near unstoppable force. So strong was his tribe and so great his father-like pride for his people (and so lacking his imagination) that when Ialu was asked to give him people a name, he decided that from henceforth, they would be known only as the Strong Tribe. His village fortified and his conscience satisfied with the knowledge that his tribe could defend themselves when the Cimex or Dyun came, Ialu knew rest. Throughout this whole time his dreams had continued, his climb up the mountain in the dreamland of black and white had never ended. Sometimes he had climbed up, other times his progress had been stymied and he had been forced to climb horizontally to avoid some sort of obstacle, but the climb had continued relentlessly. Each and every night he had picked up from where he left off before, yet now he had respite. He had serenity, for he was at peace knowing that his people were ready for war. What they weren't ready for was the frigid winds, the pallid snow, and the implacable winter. [hider=Summary] -Ialu organized his band of spear and club wielding warriors into an Order, although the Order simply takes on the form of a tribe. -The tribe built a fortified village to be their stronghold. -In addition to the normal Wi power of telekinesis, Ialu's tribe has developed the ability to use the Wi to wreak havoc on enemies. Masters of this form of Wi use a combination of anatomical knowledge and precise telekinesis to strangle, break bones, cause hemorrhaging, and in some cases even destroy internal organs of their victims.[/hider] [hider=Khookie Jar] 13 earned from last post 7 left over from before 20 total 10 spent to level up 6 spent to create the Strong Tribe 4 cookies remain left over [/hider]