[color=6ecff6]He held out the fresh caught fish in the entrance of the cavern. "si dronilnra kwiip xiiva"(I brought fresh fish) he called out. A deep rumbling growl came from the inside of the cavern, that made his stomach twist in knots. "Xalin, tenpiswo drot" a massive Hydrosurge dragon came out of the cavern, towering over him, the dragons growl and eyes, seemed to say "thank you" Will saw the silhouette of the dragon throw the fish into the side of the cavern. At first Will thought it was weird, but he soon heard the chirping of young dragons and the sound of tearing up flesh.[/color] [color=0076a3]Fast, strong, smart, Vers was all of these, and Xalin thought he was worthy of Will. Xalin called to Vers, which meant power in draconic, and the small, dragon, quickly, came sprawling out of the nest. He came out of the cavern with Vers, and nudged him to Will. Will knew, what Xalin wanted. Will took a sardine from the fish bag and gave it to Vers. Vers devoured it and climbed up onto Will's shoulder. Will knew the adventure that was about to happen[/color]