[b]Name:[/b] Ricardo Vigil [b]Known As:[/b] Vigil, most of his family introduce their surnames first as a proud tradition. Though it makes even more sense now that there are more Ricardos in the city than any Vigils left. [b]Race:[/b] Human* [b]Age:[/b] 29 [img]http://i.imgur.com/I8sRwZE.gif[/img] [indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent] Vigil is a habitually well-dressed man of average height in human terms, who is rarely spotted without a proper suit and tie. His gentlemanly attire usually consists of a white linen long-sleeved shirt, a red tie and a darkly coloured vest with matching trousers and shoes. While he is not particularly tall, his build is visibly solid even with his thick layer of clothing on - a side effect of his recent changes in lifestyle. He has dyed his hair a reddish brown for personal reasons, almost rusty, his natural hue is much darker but remains well concealed by the colourant. The only startlingly unkempt feature he has is the way he keeps his hair, unbrushed and haphazardly swept to the right with a rather long fringe, dark sullen eyes scowling ahead perpetually. Facial hair grown past his ears and along his jaw, not always shaven either, giving him an unintentionally barbarous accent to his otherwise civil demeanour.[/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] In his right pocket, a small effigy of twisted wires and glaze preserved herbs in the rough shape of a two dimensional humanoid hangs casually. A remnant and indication of someone well-versed in the art of Charmcrafting. [b]Personality:[/b] [hider=The lines we should not read.] Reckless to a fault when it comes to something he really wants. Ricardo Vigil was not always this way, he was once a mild mannered, prudent compassionate individual who put more thought than effort into everything he did. But that, in this place, has served him no purpose thus far. Hesitation has once caused him much grief in the passing months and he seeks to get rid of it. It isn't obvious but He is very sick of people, especially the non-humans, understandably given how humans are scorned or treated poorly due to their disadvantages ...it sometimes takes all his sense to hold back from reaching out and tearing the throats out of every single thing that annoys him with his teeth. But he is honourable, to say the least, and it is what keeps him from acting on his instincts for a long time, he goes by his word and words are important to him. Civility is the remainder of his former self that he has not abandoned, but it's a trait he is slowly giving up. To others he can appear detached, maybe even grumpy because of this. He does not like talking about himself. But it is mellowed by his wry sense of humor, his uncanny cunning and the ability to shrug off and push through hardship when it comes his way - believing that anything that doesn't kill him will make him stronger. It's a mindset, that while not always true, this helps keep him sane when his bad luck kicks in ... [/hider] [u][b]Vigil's Keeps[/b][/u] [img]http://i.imgur.com/s0gnzYml.jpg[/img] [hider=The shoppe is recently burnt in the riots and is undergoing repairs as business takes a break.] The quaint shop by the junction once went the the name "The Magician's Knobbe", a shoppe set up by a community of Humans who lived in the northeastern side of the city and shared similar many interests in new age antiquities. However ever since the civil riots and attacks on Humans half a year ago during a full moon, many people in the neighbourhood no longer lived here and the market for such wares plumetted. In order to continue business the shoppe had to cater to a new market, an indie bookstore and cafe was worked into the establishment which has become quite the spot on the weekends. The owner and curio is a gentleman by the name of Ricardo Vigil, an out of towner who moved here seven years ago. The place is co-run by the Laurella Marie Saulphete, a tenant who lives in the shophouse upstairs. [hider=Inside the shophouse] [img]http://www.liveinstyle.com/nightlife/partyguide/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/pali-village-cafe1.jpg[/img] The lounge and boutique cafe part of the store has become a popular hangout for a niche group of younger adults and artists who find soul satisfaction in browsing the many assorted titles readily available to them or simply lounging in the moderna-rustico furnishings whilst sipping on a cup of matcha latte, enjoying the evening view of the local park. [img]http://i.imgur.com/G6H0fafm.jpg[/img] However despite it's bustling evening hours, many still miss out on half of it's stock and trade, the 'odd curios' on display at the back are not mere decor, but were once coveted items for certain humans and individuals, unfortunately the already endangered population that knew the value of these things have been on a sharp decline ever since the attacks and many have either moved away or were no longer. [/hider] [/hider] [b]Other: [/b] [hider=My Hider] -He is quite the hand at divination and at poker, two talents that go extremely well with one another but he was always taught to beware the Rule of Threefold. Fate does not like being read and punishes those who do so with ill fortune frequently. -Secret: Ricardo Vigil has lived through a recent werewolf attack and is infected with lycanthropy, he has since has been trying to cure himself in secret. His skill and livelihood in what most people know as aurgury has suffered because of it's mind affecting sympthoms, with it his business, making life even more diffIcult is that he has to go to extreme lengths to cover it up. This is a part of his reason for his prejudice against non-humans, with the exception of elves and certain species like goblins whom he just sees as long lived Humans. It is also why he is adamant about working with the police to root out the dogs. -He likes, among his already odd repetoire of interests, glass bottles. He is easily amused by such baubles. In fact, he sometimes find ones he likes so much that he refuses to use their contents. Or sell them. One of his old time treasures is an amber glass flask that exudes an orange glowing mist which reinvigorates the body and soul, Agua De Quintessentia, an incredibly rare alchemical panacea which was sold as junk at a flea market. -Ricardo does not know that Laurella, the woman he rents part of the shopehouse to, is the runaway daughter of the head mafioso in a local elven syndicate. Though he has noticed that she does seem to know a peculiar lot about politics and business ........ [/hider]