[img]http://wallpaperswa.com/thumbnails/detail/20131007/tattoos%20women%20flowers%20gothic%20pink%20hair_wallpaperswa.com_51.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Lilith Altessa [b]Alias:[/b] “The Predator” [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at 5’9”, her time with the Reapers has honed her physique into a thing of beauty, both in terms of appeal and combat. Unafraid to show off the eery markings caused by the injection of her Runez, Lilith wears usually rather revealing outfits. She knows the distraction she poses to others, and utilises this fact when she strikes at her prey. [b]Personality:[/b] Working with the Reapers for many years, and honing her abilities with the Runez injected into her body, Lilith has become as ruthless and brutal as the best of them. Though she no longer works directly as a Reaper, she still does their bidding, tied down by their control of the Runez in the city. Of course, that isn’t to say she’s not enjoying it. After all, she didn’t pick the her nickname. [b]Bio:[/b] A former drug addict and street rat, Lilith barely survived the harsh, monster-filled environment of Santa Somabra. Scuttling through the alleyways and hiding out in the shadows, she had gotten into many a scrape with the local ‘wildlife’, a few scars cropping up from the less pleasant encounters. Living on the edge, Lilith’s life would have been one disaster after another, if it hadn’t been for her angelic saviour. Ironically, this ‘angel’ was in fact a member of the Reapers, and saw her tenacity and will to survive as strong assets for their goals. Enlisting at a young age, only 17 when she first joined the Reapers, Lilith began cleaning up her act, for the most part anyway, where she once was addicted to the sweet release of other drugs, she suddenly and quickly became infatuated with the power that Runez gave her. Her neck quickly riddled with dots where the Runez had been injected, and her skin began to glow with the characteristic tattoo-like markings that signified one as a Reaper. As she worked, she quickly gained a name for herself, the ruthless killer who always hit her target, no matter how long it took. By her 25th birthday, she had quickly climbed the ranks of the notorious gang, her name igniting fear in the hearts of many a Santa Somabra citizen. Eventually however, she realised the Reapers were tying her down, and took a backseat to their dealings, becoming more of a shadow agent for their interests. Keeping within their good graces for the steady supply of Runez, Lilith now hunts the streets, doing the bidding of the Reapers while still looking for more thrills to spice up her new, dangerous life. [b]Other:[/b] Lilith has some skill with hand-to-hand combat, though she prefers to utilise her weaponry. Whether up close and personal with her falchion (a personal weapon with embroidery carved into the hilt and a select few gems encrusted into the crossguard), or from a distance with her AMT Hardballer pistol (though she does enjoy using it for juicy executions), Lilith will use everything within her arsenal to take down her target.