[quote=@Inlaa] So, I've gotten part of a post hammered out (finally, I know) and will be posting it tomorrow some time. I wanted to make sure I'd read stuff thoroughly enough to be caught up, and the roleplay seems to be moving slowly, so I felt safe in taking my time. But yeah: post is coming tomorrow and is about 1/3 of the way done. [/quote] This RP may have assume Precipice of War tier slowness, which wouldn't otherwise scare me because I can at least count on one or two others to post, even if one of those two has an excuse to not post because he's chasing bats. Though however this concerns me when it comes to the folk who aren't familiar with the Precipice pace, I don't know if they'll stick around or not because they's impatient. It's good to know you haven't forgotten, I was wondering if you had or not.