The relief was able to be palped, one could say palpable, the second Thomas had began to make a sound that was on the same spectrum as the 'not-about-to-suck-Aedan's-blood' sound. [i]That makes no sense.[/i] Aedan thought but he was glad that he could return his lighter to his pocket and take the vampire's hand with his own and eagerly shake it once again. "Bloody hell, you can smell blood types. That's creepy." Aedan remarked. [i]Is that even our blood type?[/i] Oh great the thoughts were thinking of themselves as a collective now. [i]I have absolutely no idea.[/i] He realized. [i]Who even knows their own blood type? People with a vampire friend I guess.[/i] "I'm Aedan." Aedan (well obviously it was Aedan) said. "Pleased to help fill your lonely existence." He meant that last part as a joke but saying it aloud made him realized that Thomas probably really did have a somewhat lonely existence. If any of the vampire lore he had never really payed attention to had been correct then Thomas probably was far older than he actually looked. Far older than just about any friend he could have would live. [i]Well that sucks.[/i] As someone spoke, Aedan followed Thomas' gaze to a man standing not far from them looking at the two of them with an expression one, if said 'one' was Aedan, would describe as exasperated mixed with annoyance. "Um, We were just uh..." Luckily the vampire he was now officially friends with stepped in and saved him the ordeal of speaking. His relief was very, very, like, so very, short lived when Thomas began to get confrontational with the large man. "Uh," Aedan tried to get a word in edge-ways but anything he had planned to say died in his throat when the words turned to killing. It should probably be known that Aedan was a bit of a wuss. Killing was not something he relished the thought of, although looking at his hands they were not exactly clean of metaphorical blood. "Guys," he suddenly interrupted with wide eyes. "This school, this if full of bloody psychopaths." He looked at Thomas expectantly. "I mean, I've only been here five minutes but everyone I know has clearly not exactly lived a morally pristine life." Cogs were turning in his head. "This school must be set up for us to all kill each other in a grand battle royale!" He announced. Well nobody ever said that the cogs were of the clever variety. "No wait that makes no sense." He said aloud. "Okay but if it is, just on the offchance, I say we team up! Thomas and me and I guess we need muscle." He looked at the man that Thomas clearly didn't like. "I'm Aedan," he said introductorialy. [i]That's not a word.[/i] He thought to himself [i]Just shake his hand and shut up[/i]. He stuck out his bandaged hand. "Chances would be better if we teamed up. We might have to defeat some kind of governing body if we want to get out alive though. So what can you do for the good fight?" So there was a chance, a small chance, that all Aedan really wanted was an excuse to find out more about the people around him and that everything else he was going on about was just a smoke screen. Of course that would require brains of some sort.