"Hey Epsilon? Is my head supposed to hurt this much? Feels like someones pounding away at my helmet with a sledgehammer". Stumbling he made his way out of his room. A few staff moved out of the way as Washington bumped shoulders with them. "Sorry" Epsilon spoke in a cheerful tone female tone. "Don't worry there pal, the pain is just your subconscious and mine becoming one. It's going to allows you to recall a lot of memories that your brain normally can't however-" An ear splitting scream filled his ear, Washington crashed through the door of the Canteen knocking over a bin as he cried out in pain. The noise stopped as suddenly as it had started. His ear ringing, Washington slowly and painfully got to his feet. "Epsilon? You there buddy?" A voice suddenly filled his head. "But sir you have no idea what effects this will have on the A.I.. The A.I. was entrusted to you. It was going to help you with your research." Washington recognised the next voice, it belonged to the Director. "That is right Corporal it was entrusted to me. Not you, not him. Me! You do well to know your place. Prepare the Architect. I've already had project freelancer accepted by the board of directors. I want the A.I. ready." Then there was silence. Washington was now lying against the wall of the canteen. Epsilon appeared. "Sorry about that Wash, had to reboot. Some kind of bug in my system. Should be gone now. Wash? You alright." "I just heard voices in my head" Epsilon was silent for a moment. "Well then I'll have you booked to see the doc-" "I'M NOT CRAZY! What I meant to say was. I heard the director talking to someone in my head, about something called the Architect" Epsilon was silent again however this time when she spoke her voice was full of static and her speech was slow as if every word was a mile. "The Architect, I recognise that name for some reason. But I can't place my finger on it." Washington sighed. "You don't have any fingers. It doesn't matter. As you said it was just a bug and it shouldn't happen again. Lets get something to eat." Looking at the bin he had knocked over he pointed at the first staff member that walked in. " Come on man pick up this mess you made!" The man confused began to clean up the mess that he thought he had made as Washington walked up to the canteen serving area chuckling as he did so.