Watching the girl curiously for a long moment, he decided she was safe. He hadn't a huge penchant for company but she seemed chill and that was enough for him. He took a long moment to respond, leafing through his sketchbook until he found an empty page and plopping the pencil against it lightly, he eyed her for a long drawn moment. She was pretty and he liked her hair, there was something about red hair that he'd always liked. It reminded him a little of his father with his strawberry blond curls. He almost told her as such but then realized that he still hadn't drawn anything, he paused, his mouth hanging slightly open. Deciding that it would be both flattering and an extreme outlet to his pent up creativity, he started to draw her profile though it mostly resembled a bunch of loose lines and a circle at the moment. It was getting there, definitely. He watched her out of the corner of his eye as he began to speak, his voice had a rough manner to it and it was almost alien to hear with no direct accent, it was held up by string seemingly. "Remmington Pennyweather O'Neil." he seemed to release the full name in one sigh, ever the dramatic artist but the name was funny. He'd been given the moniker of the family and sometimes he forgot just how funny it actually was. What caught him instead was her blunt honesty and he looked up from the paper again. Cracking the slightest of a grin at her, he offered his hand to shake. "Your inherently unfriendly neighborhood vampire. Who would also like to thank you for the compliment, my hair is an ongoing art project. I like yours too, very pretty and kind'a reminds me of liquid copper, y'ever see those How It's Made things? Kind'a like that. Copper presses, for like, coins." Clearing his throat, he began to realize yet again that he really didn't have a way with words and started to mold the circle shape into a facial shape. "I haven't been here very long, people here seem cool." An inadvertent dodgy compliment, that was cool and edgy of him. He really needed to shut his mouth before he started telling her about how he used to want a cat but now he was afraid he'd eat it in a fit of bloodlust. "Clover is a nice name, I've always liked that name."