[b][u]Character by makarov[/u][/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/qmoah7P.png[/img] Full Name: Isroc ShadowTorrent Nickames/Alias/AKA: Gabriel Shade Age: 20 Gender: Male DOB: July, 2nd, 1994 Occupation: Runs a pawnshop, Race: Dragon Hair Color: Jet Black Eye Color: In dragon form Glowing red, in Human form brown that looks crimson in certain light. Height and Build: 6 foot 2 inches, built like a swimmer with good muscle proportioning all over. Other Appearance: [hider=Dragon Form][Img]http://s20.postimg.org/uxhdqayjx/dragon_man_black_by_n_a_s_t_u_d4oavwl.jpg[/img][/hider] History/bio: Gabriel was born to a strong and proud mother who taught him everything she knew about being a Dragon and about their long and wonderful heritage, it wasn't until he started reading books when he was a child that he found that dragons with black scales were considered an abomination to nature. Crying he asked his mother if it was true, if they were supposed to exist? She scooped him up into her protective arms and dried his tears, "Little one...with scales as black as night...those that call us evil...they fear what they do not understand." It was rare for them to see other dragons and when they did most times it did not go well, his mother met her demise when the boy was 15 she was killed by a group of humans called the huntsmen, her sacrifice was what allowed Gabriel to live, he escaped and went to a place where he could study about his people and about the mysterious clan called The Huntsmen. Tellmore was a place he could live and learn in safety, he got a job as an apprentice in a pawn shop while going to Gringore to learn everything he could about the wonderful world his mother had told him of. In just five years time Gabriel owned the Pawn shop and was deep in study but nothing was coming of it...it was as if The Huntsmen didn't even exist. Family/Relationships: No family, and I will leave friendships and relationships open so if someone wants to know Gabriel they can. Other/Extra: