[b]Alignment: [/b][color=Green]Neutral[/color] [b]Real Name: [/b] Erin Hernandez [b]Age: [/b] 19 [b]Superhero Name: [/b] Vigil [b]Normal Appearance: [/b] [hider=Erin][img]http://pre13.deviantart.net/5c57/th/pre/i/2012/016/c/1/protocol__by_ankooru-d4mk0qw.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Superhero Appearance: [/b] Erin does her superheroing in whatever she happens to be wearing at the time. [b]Meta type: [/b] Overhuman [b]Description of Powers: [/b] There are two ways to look at Erin’s power: while I personally prefer the term ‘sound manipulation,’ it has occurred to me that this is also essentially glorified airbending. Erin can control the compression of the air around her via her hands, feet, or mouth to extreme limits, allowing her to rapidly expand or contract air. The limit of how much air she can compress and decompress is unknown, as Erin is still getting comfortable with her power. For example, as days pass, Erin finds she can compress air into denser packages at slightly faster rates. That said, she has found so far that she is capable of the following: [list] [*][b]Air blasts:[/b] By rapidly compressing and releasing a pocket of air, Erin is able to fire powerful blasts of heavily compressed air from her limbs or mouth. These blasts are incredibly damaging; the most powerful blast Erin has fired has completely totaled a car and sent it back about twenty feet. However, the more powerful the blast, the more exhausting it is on Erin. Erin has found that these blasts are not only useful for their destructive power, but when fired from her feet, Erin can launch herself flying into the air. [*][b]Flight (kind of):[/b] She hasn’t yet figured out how to [i]really[/i] fly, just yet, but Erin has found that she can slow down her falls or keep herself afloat for several moments by firing small, rapid blasts with her hands or feet. This gives her great maneuverability used in tandem with more powerful blasts - she can change direction incredibly rapidly and land the fall perfectly. [*][b]More lethal means:[/b] One of the darker aspects of her power is being able to affect the air within another person. Erin is powerless from any distance, but if she can get her hands or mouth to cover your mouth and nose, she can either compress the air within a person, causing suffocation, or rapidly decompress all of their air. Erin is strongly against rapid decompression, for the obvious gruesome reasons. [/list] Note: As Erin and Robert share backgrounds, I’ve combined them both into Erin’s. [hider=Background] As far back as either of them can remember, Erin and Robert Hernandez were alone on the streets of Angel City. They did whatever they could to survive, from begging to pickpocketing. They struggled and fought to survive, fending for themselves in a town ridden with violence and crime. When Robert turned 13, he joined a local gang, keeping Erin fed and healthy on what he earned through often violent means. He was able to keep Erin in the dark about what he did until he was kicked out of the gang when he discovered his powers, around when Robert was 17. As the gang ran Robert and Erin out of their hideout, Erin quickly learned the truth about how he had managed to support them for so long in such an environment. When Erin turned 18 and Robert 22, they learned that they were the abandoned children of a wealthy businessman, Steven Rodriguez, who lived on the richer side of Angel City. The two reacted very differently, causing them to break away from each other and thus starting their “hero/villain rivalry.” [/hider] [b]Personality: [/b] Erin is a woman of mixed morality. On one hand, she’s grown accustomed to the street life, doing whatever she has to to survive alone on the streets of Angel City. On the other, she believes in protecting the innocent from harm, going out of her way to fight violent crime within the city. Beyond her morality, however, Erin is often described as an angel with some really rough edges. She smokes, but she volunteers at a preschool. She swears a lot, but kids love her. She occasionally has to steal to survive, but she also saves lives from gang violence or natural disasters. Erin is a bit of a paradox, as her personality contrasts her selflessness and strong sense of morality with her cynicism and sometimes violent anger issues. [b]Origin Story: [/b] [hider=Discovery] “Shit, they found us.” “What the fuck do you mean they found us? Robert?” “I mean they [i]found us,[/i] dipshit. We need to leave, Erin.” Erin scrambled around the room, gathering what little belongings she had and placing them into her backpack. “I’m ready to go.” Robert closed the window blinds, backing away slowly. “Good. Remember how we exit, just like we planned, yeah?” “Yeah.” The two moved in almost absolute silence through the abandoned house. Erin heard a knock at the front door behind her, followed by, “ACPD, is anyone inside? Open up.” Erin glanced through a doorway to her left: flashlights peered in through the window, and she would’ve sworn that they had dogs. “Robert?” “I know. Dogs. Shut up, okay?” “Okay.” Another knock on the door behind them. “ACPD, this is your last warning. Open this door or we will enter with force.” Robert motioned for them to move quicker - as the two reached the back door, Erin heard the front door get kicked in. “ACPD, we are coming inside!” Robert hurriedly forced open the back door, pushing Erin out before him. “Run, I’ll catch up with you!” he called, shutting the door behind her. As Erin ran off into the dark, she heard the familiar booms of Robert’s air blasts as he fended off the pursuing police force. She felt like she ran for hours, but when she checked the time, Erin realized she had only run for a little more than a minute. She sat down on the curb, taking a deep breath. And at just the right moment, an Angel City police car pulled up right in front of her, the window rolling down and an officer simply staring at her. Erin jumped up, her hands immediately in the air. She knew what to do if she was caught. The officer sighed, “Look, Ms. Hernandez, just get in the car. We don’t have to make this difficult.” Erin took a step back. “Ms. Hernandez-” The officer began to step out of the car, but was surprised to feel the door forcibly shut on him. “What the hell? Get in the damn car!” Erin looked at her hands in confusion. What had just happened? Was she like Robert now? Only one way to find out, she figured, as she saw the police car door opening again. She pointed her hands and threw her body towards the car, as if pushing the air towards it. The next thing she knew, the car had rotated on its side, broken glass shards everywhere. Erin took her chance to run. [/hider] [hider=Sibling Fight] “You’re fucking with us. You aren’t our dad.” “I’m sorry that I did what I did, kids. But I am your dad, whether you like it or not.” Robert paced around the room, his anger clear in every step he took. Erin stood quietly at the sliding glass door overlooking downtown Angel City, their father sitting comfortably in the couch behind her. “Then where the fuck were you, huh? Why the fuck did you leave us to die, huh?” Robert began to shout. As his pacing brought him close to Erin, she reached out to touch his shoulder. He shrugged her off violently, his eyes bloodshot with anger and tears. “There’s no excuse for what I did. I was a coward and I didn’t want to face the reality of my actions. I wasn’t ready to be a father, let alone a single one. I-” Steven was cut off by Robert’s shouting. “And then there’s our mother! How are we supposed to believe that she died at Erin’s birth? How do we know you didn’t abandon her, too?” Erin turned around and stepped forward. “Robert, he’s doing his best-” “His best isn’t fucking good enough! His best left us fending for ourselves in that shithole, and he picks right now to decide he’s going to tell us who he is? Fuck him!” Robert stepped towards Steven, grabbing him by the collar and picking up him. Robert placed his hand on Steven’s mouth, “This is for twenty-two years of bullshit, dad.” As Robert was about to fire his air blast into Steven’s mouth, Erin fired one of her own at the two men, knocking them both to the ground. She quickly ran in between them, ignoring the mess her air blast made of the apartment. Erin glanced at Steven - unconscious. Probably for the better, really. Robert, however, was already standing. “You did not just do that, sister.” “Robert, you need to calm down. Fighting isn’t going to help us right now,” Erin raised her hands, pleading with her brother. Robert said nothing. Instead, he fired an air blast at his sister, knocking her clear out of the apartment, through the sliding glass door, and over the thirtieth floor balcony. He ran out and jumped out after her, intent on winning the fight she had just initiated. As Erin moved to recover from the fall, she glanced down to see the people on the sidewalk below that had just stopped to watch the two fall out of the window. She knew there was no turning back from this fight now, and there was no way she was going to let Robert’s rampage go unchecked. [/hider] [b]Secret identity known to public?: [/b] Yes [b]City of residence: [/b] Angel City [hr] [b]Alignment: [/b][color=Red]Villain[/color] [b]Real Name: [/b] Robert Hernandez [b]Age: [/b] 23 [b]Villain Name: [/b] Wrecker [b]Normal Appearance: [/b] [hider=Robert] [img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/d8e1/f/2009/047/8/1/devon___thug_by_fuzzyyak.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Villain Appearance: [/b] Like his younger sister, Robert does his villaining in whatever he happens to be wearing at the time. [b]Meta type: [/b] Overhuman [b]Description of Powers: [/b] Robert’s powers are a little more advanced than Erin’s, being that his manifested before hers. He shares all of her powers to a much stronger extent, allowing for greater power, range, and control in his air blasts. Robert has also mastered flight, a skill that Erin continues to struggle with. Overall, Robert is a much stronger and refined version of Erin. [b]Personality: [/b] Driven by anger stemming from a variety of sources, from his father to what he perceives as a police state in the poorer areas of Angel City, Robert is a pure destructive force. Ever since his first fight with his sister, Robert often finds himself going on rampages, stopped only by Erin every time. However, Robert clearly retains his sense of responsibility for her, as she remains the only person to stand directly against him during his rampages and live. [b]Origin Story: [/b] [hider=Gang Violence] “You got the coke?” A nod. “You got the money?” A nod in return. Man #2 motioned towards his men, who then brought forward a duffel bag toward Man #1, who then presented said cocaine. Robert kept his eyes on all of them: ‘trust nobody’ was a lesson you learned quickly in the crime world. The handoff would’ve gone well, if the cocaine was actually all there. The realization was almost immediate - when Man #2 picked up the bag, he knew something was wrong. That was when the guns started being waved around, people started to get into cover, and Robert thought he was actually going to die. When his eyes opened up again, everyone was staring at him. Robert looked around, and noticed that where his hands were pointing, there was a big hole in the wall. Some of Robert’s own friends began to back away from him, causing Robert to look at his own hands in fear. And then he ran. He ran without looking behind him, not caring how the damn handoff went, or who had how much coke or money. He was a freak, and Robert knew from experience that his gang didn’t like freaks. The bullet that grazed his leg only served to compound that experience with some hands-on application lessons. Robert instinctively reached out to grab it, unknowingly firing an air blast behind him and sending him shooting forwards. He took a moment to recover, then quickly understood what was going on with himself. He pointed his hands at the ground and sent himself flying forwards and up, away from his former gang and towards his baby sister. He might’ve taken a bullet, but there was no way he was going to let Erin have to. [/hider] [b]Secret identity known to public?: [/b] Yes [b]City of residence: [/b] Angel City