On the island three days ago... A water-soaked figure staggered unsteadily out of the ocean's roiling surf under a bright crescent moon. He coughed up some sea water and collapsed as soon as he got out of the water. "Hah! Take that...urgh...damn traitors." He muttered "Next time you maroon someone on an island, makes sure there is not another island within swimming distance, freaking amateur...wannabe...pirates." Not moving seemed like a good idea, so that's exactly what he didn't do. He forced himself to get up and stagger to some shelter. There was a village nearby with a dozen or so houses. The dripping wet half-naked man with a large soaked trench coat made for a ghoulish figure as he unsteadily tread to nearest house, knocked on the door and fell unconscious.. The old man inside opened the door, took one look at him, and immediately sent for a doctor. Present day... "Thank you for helping me." Balthier said "I am sorry but I have no money to pay you with." "Don't worry about it." The doc said "Its been slow and I had nothin' better to do." Balthier looked around the small room that he had been recovering in for the last three days. It was nothing special, just a bed, a dresser, and a fireplace. He was sitting on the bed being checked over by the doctor one last time before being released. "Hmm... your fever is gone, and your vitals are normal. I'd say you're in prime condition, try not to nearly drown yourself in the near future." "I will try but no promises." Kelsier said. The doctor groaned "Just as long as I'm not the one who has to patch you up." The old doctor grunted, as he gathered his stuff and headed out the door. "You are, with out a doubt the worst patient I've ever had." Balthier grinned at the cranky doctor. "Goodbye and thanks again." He told him. [i]Now, I need a ship.[/i] Balthier thought, as he walked down the road that led to the docks. Suddenly he heard an explosion and shouting. He felt his anticipation rising. [i]Well, I have spent long enough out of trouble, time for some excitement.[/i] With that thought he dashed off toward the source of the sound.