"Save your tale of sorrow for the Divines kid. Besides I don't think the guards would care that a boy fell on his face." He smirked as he leaned back in his chair so he balanced on the two back legs of the chair. He looked over the kid for a moment, taking in as much detail as he could. "And for the love of Y'ffre try not to look so much like a wounded deer. If you get caught the least you could do is not sulk about your mistake." He said with a role of his eyes as he brought the chair back down to all fours. He sat forward in the chair, but just far enough that he didn't enter the direct light of the candles, and said in a lower tone so only he and the boy could hear his words. "Besides your technique was sloppy to say the least. For instance you only paid attention to him." He pointed over to the Dunmer the boy tried to rob, who was now sitting with the Bosmer. "Once you decided he was your target, that's a rookie mistake. You should always know your surroundings." He said with a slight smile on his shadowy face.