Nocturnomon winced as it seemed Jordan was about to make reply to Dorugamon, raising his hand slightly. However, whatever was about to transpire was cut short by the burning explosion that followed the audible crack of the two lance bearers piercing the inner depths of the vile dreadnaught, whose massive cannons now rained raw molten death. The boy was rendered silent by the roaring destruction. However, the Ultimate level Digimon was able to notice something that he was unsure if Jordan had seen. The eyes of the young woman before them seemed… hollow, broken somehow. The bat Digimon shifted his gaze to his partner, only to see the boy seeming to have locked up. A choked breath slipped from his throat. He shook his head, the locks of shaggy brown hair tossing about with the motion. [I]It‘s not real… It can‘t be real.[/I] his mind repeated to itself as his vision blurred, and the shadows of the alley around them seemed to shift in his eyes. His breathing became irregular, and he turned away from the others, almost as if to run. Nocturnomon moved only subtly, but it seemed enough to stop the boy. After a few ragged breaths escaped his lungs, he turned again, only to see a shimmer from the Digivice in Zei’s hand as she and Dorugamon took to the air. He had not clearly heard what she had said before she left, but now the words came to him. [center][I]”We won‘t hesitate. Too many things are at stake.”[/I][/center] Stunned for a moment, Jordan then placed his hand upon the Bat Digimon’s hunched shoulder before scaling the lanky arm and settling between the leathery wings. In the relative silence, Nocturnamon began to lift off, clouds of dust and ash being pushed by the massive wing beats. Now headed towards the epicenter of destruction, where titans clashed, Jordan steeled his face, an expression mirrored by the Digimon on which he rode. “[color=1a7b30]All or nothing. No holding back![/color]” Jordan reached for his worn Digivice, only for a textured light to shine from above, mildly distracting him. The pink warping of reality began to accelerate, and he could feel the power build within. “[color=1a7b30]What is that?[/color]” he breathed, his voice pervaded by a bewildered terror. Not letting it distract him now, he held out the green device in his hand, a light sparking from the screen as Nocturnomon stopped, a green texture field similar to the one above beginning to form. "[color=1a7b30]Let's give it all we got![/color]" Jordan declared, his voice practically cracking with the ferocity with which he spoke. Punctuating this declaration, he removed something from the bag he carried. It unfurled itself, but seemed to be obscured, either by its own motion, or something from within. The object went for a considerable length, clearing up to reveal a rather simple shape. which Jordan's hand gripped to white knuckles, ending in three fierce tips. The field around them began to gain intensity, and an orange flame like color overtook the original green, gaining a black inner texture. [color=1a7b30]Biomerge, Activate! Ascend, Matrix Evolution![/color] [color=440e62]Biomerge, Activate! Ascend, Matrix Evolution![/color] The 'egg' sealed around the two as the boundary between partners began to reduce itself. The few screens and monitors which remained intact began to flicker with static and energy, some even appearing to be in the process of displaying a message. Visible Digivices in the area seemed to have a similar effect, flickering between various symbols and broken text, sometimes appearing as though an error message was being given from an alternate source. The strands of data that composed the outer shell began to shift around their core as the entire object slowly settled to the ground. After a few moments of increasing in size, a great tremor was unleashed, and the ground beneath shifted, sending cracks through the pavement. In a moment, the outer shell dissipated into mist, leaving only the glowing of eyes visible within. Large grey feathered wings stretched themselves for the first time, breaking the dusty cloud. The shifting of armor could be heard as the being within stood, large clawed gauntlets flexing and releasing slowly. Earthy toned armor encased the massive beast, whose ears and fangs, along with the wings, seemed to be the only thing not plated in armor. The gauntlets took a black sheen to their rounded surfaces as the blade like claws set themselves into a more relaxed position. A step revealed the brown armor of the legs, and a long, short furred tail that moved in an almost serpentine way. Eyes flashed red as a clang of metal heralded the opening of its jaws, as a sharp, diaphragmic roar was unleashed, sparks of flame flying in its breath. Rodendramon was born.