[i]Loyal to the end!!![/i] The fish person's battle cry caused the group Abaddon was threatening to rush forward with their weapons. It was honestly a VERY stupid move on their part considering they were charging straight into his sharp tendrils. Abaddon reacted by whipping the newly formed blades out violently, dismembering some and stabbing others until this group of sea monsters lay in pieces as well. "Wow! Just wow, that was completely uncalled for. They could have at least TRIED to die nobly, maybe they could have shot us first and then attacked. Guess they were just that eager to die." By now, the ranks of the sea creatures had been greatly reduced to few but formidable pockets by the efforts of the metahumans (and some skilled troops). Abaddon had enjoyed the carnage, knowing that there would be more of these things to deal with later down the line. Who knew, maybe he would even catch the attention of fishies' king and get to eat him too! He stopped to observe the other creatures get gunned down or sliced up by Linia's blade, but Abaddon's attention soon turned elsewhere as he sensed a powerful and familiar presence nearby. [@ArenaSnow] [b]Ah, so he's finally decided to show himself. Come, it is time we speak with the Realmswalker on what needs to be dealt with in this plane.[/b] With the other metas busy picking off the other creatures, Abaddon took the opportunity to slip away undetected. He traced Thasseldar's aura of power to a nearby hotel blocks away from the battle zone and found him standing outside. The Realmswalker was obviously scanning the dimensional fields for something, most likely to see if he could pinpoint what had caused the disturbances. "Hello Thasseldar," Abaddon said as he dropped down in front of him. He reverted to his human form for the sake of other civilians that were likely around. He didn't need or want them fleeing in terror... and he especially didn't feel like getting shot to pieces again. "Got held up fighting some random sniper, then had to help out in a battle against... Atlanteans? Experiments gone wrong? The vengeful, evolved forms of pet fish that got flushed down toilets? I don't know."