[center][img]http://gw2101.gtm.guildwars2.com/global/includes/images/hero-charr.jpg[/img] [i]"If you'd a wished me to fight honorably, you should have paid me more"[/i] [/center] [center] [b]::GENERAL INFO::[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Balazar the Emberblade [b]Age:[/b] 86 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Baraki of the wolf tribes of Ushakar [b]Element:[/b] Fire [b]Background:[/b] Life in the untamed wilds of Ushakar is hard, you hold onto what's yours or lose it to those that would take it from you. Balazar understands this completely having being raised in one of the seven great wolf tribes in the region. As a pup, Balazar was raised for war, that's all the regions tribes knew. War. Either between tribes or family feuds, the outcome was always similar. Considered a backwards region by the more civilized with little promise of development, it makes those living there hardy folk, able to fight and survive of the land. Balazar was like many of the Baraki, trained to fight, often having to hold onto what was his by the right of blade, claw and tooth. This upbringing has undoubtedly shaped Balazars outlook on the world and it's people. So it made complete sense when the time came, to join the Imperial army when it came marching through. This was a chance to get the hell out of this place and make a name for himself, Balazar took it and enlisted. During service, Balazar performed admirably and with a ferocity unmatched in the heat of combat by the more civilized soldiers around him. Racking up quite an impressive number of kills in the name of the empire, among those he fought besides Balazar became known for his rather barbaric combat style and his brazen lack of tactics with those around him. However, the conformity and regulations of a military life began to ware on Balazar, used to the rather free living of his homeland. After a confrontation with his superior (Whom may have been murdered on the same day, just a coincidence), Balazar deserted. After some time, the thrill and adrenaline of combat pulled him back to matters of war and combat, but this time on his own terms as an independent sell-sword, pledging his sword to the highest bidder and in doing so creating a reputation for himself at being quite good at it, The Emberblade. However, he stays low in his new life, not wishing to attract too much attention to himself and especially not the attention of an Imperial army official looking into his desertion (that's all, i swear). It's in this line of work that Balazar encountered a new employer, or rather their liaison, Shara of the Vale. [b]::ADVANTAGES::[/b] [b][Racial] Regeneration:[/b] Bruises will heal in seconds, cuts in minutes, deep wounds in hours and re-attaching one's limbs can be done in a day. However, Baraki are not immortal and if they suffer too many injuries in a short time and bleed too much, they'll die. [b][Racial] Bestial Advantage: One with the Wolf Lvl 2[/b] The teeth and powerful bite of a wolf with the speed of one, can be a dangerous thing indeed, especially in the heat of combat. [b]Swordsmanship: Lvl 4[/b] A sell-sword makes a living through combat, Balazar is no different, his only loyalty is to his coin pouch and the blade that keeps him alive and the coins flowing. He has trained and honed the art of swordsmanship, but there is still much to learn. [b]Toughness: Lvl 2[/b] Balazar has fought in many battles and wars, and has always come through alive, not always unscathed mind you. But he's all the tougher for it and can swing a few more times before tiring and take a few more hits before going down or bleeding out before his regeneration can take effect. And in some instances, could be used to physically intimidate someone. [b]Blacksmithing: Lvl 1[/b] Balazar, whilst travelling on the road, from place to place, town to town. Keeps his equipment repaired, albeit rather crudely but in a working condition none the less. After all, his blade and his armour is his life's blood, and he must care for them, for them to care for him in the field of battle. War tends to take it's toll on ones equipment. [b]::POWERS::[/b] [b][Fire] Manipulate Fire: Lvl 1[/b] Balazar uses his natural control over the element of fire, twisting and shaping it to his will and needs, albeit it in small ways, for example lighting a campfires kindling or candle. [b][Fire] Fire blade: Lvl 1[/b] Balazar manipulates the very essence of fire, bending the violent flames towards his unlucky foes. Balazar uses this power to coat his blade in flames causing each strike to deal fire damage and make Balazar himself appear that much more threatening. [b][Fire] Limit-break: Lvl 3[/b] Balazar wreathes himself in flame, the edges of his fur become charred but do not burn, flames flare from his eyes and mouth, and fissures of fire crack along his horns. He has transcended into that of fire and hatred. The flames take him to heights he can only achieve when transformed, fire boosts his basic stats, his blade is wreathed in fire and flames erupt from his mouth like that of a dragons breath. The air around him becomes hot, making standing near him uncomfortable due to the heat, even more so for those donned in plate. [/center]