[center][img]http://soulslore.wdfiles.com/local--files/data:artorias/Dark%20Souls%20-%20Artorias%203.jpg[/img] [b][color=gray][i]"They say that Mords aren't as cheerful as me, and that's kind of true, but I figure everyone should just lighten up a little."[/i][/color][/b] [b]::GENERAL INFO::[/b][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Gilbert [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Mord [b]Element:[/b] Fire [b]Background:[/b] Gilbert’s pretty friendly for a Mord. He was, always has been, and for the foreseeable future will continue to be the friendliest Mord one can meet, which isn’t that hard considering the fact that Mords aren’t exactly the most sociable people in the world. Being raised in the underground homes of the Mords gave him a more ‘philosophical’ outlook on the state of his body and he figured that there were too many miserable people in the world already. As a result, he tries to lighten the mood a lot and he likes to laugh. He talks far more than normal Mords and is generally brighter. It works somewhat, despite being a 2.5 meter tall metal-bound colossus with a massive greatsword. Due to his strength, Gilbert was taught to fight at a young age. He was taught one-handed and two-handed sword skills but he felt like all the swords weren't heavy enough and went out into the world to find something more satisfying. He got a blacksmith to build him a really big sword and found it to be just right. At age 24, Gilbert went out into the world and signed up for the Vukodavs and went around killing stuff for money. Then, 5 years later, he left. He found out he didn’t really like killing stuff for money and instead went on a self-discovery journey (still killing stuff but for free this time) to see the world and become strong. [center][b]::ADVANTAGES::[/b][/center] [b]Level 1 Swordsmanship:[/b] It’s not like Gilbert’s amazing at swordplay, but he swings around a heavy greatsword with bit of grace, so he’s actually pretty good. He’s better than your average greatsword thickie, basically. It's kind of a one-handed sword style, but it incorporates two-handed sword techniques. [b]Level 4 Strength:[/b] Gilbert’s really strong. Strong enough to hold his big-ass greatsword in one hand. [b]Level 1 Agility:[/b] Gilbert’s also pretty fast and can do backflips and stuff. He’s also pretty dextrous. [b]Level 2 Endurance:[/b] Gil’s pretty tanky too. He’s got quite good stamina and can take a lot of hits. [b]Might:[/b] Physical boost advantages are counted as 2 levels higher for Mords. [b]Magic resist:[/b] Using the power of Mord [s]fabulousness[/s] armour, Mords can resist magical effects below level 4 (level 3 for Eredvars). But due to their [s]badassity[/s] magic resisting armour, they can't use magic. [hr] Oh, and if you’re wondering about his big sword, [hider=Here it is.] It’s the buster sword. [img] http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131218182539/finalfantasy/images/e/e6/LRFFXIII_Buster_Sword.png[/img][/hider]