[center][h1][color=SpringGreen]Archer[/color][/h1][/center] [@AbysmalDemon] [center][color=SaddleBrown][i]"Attention! All warriors, mages, archers, and other Heros of Hoofstead! The king is in need of a hero from each town, including Hoofstead. Whoever answers to our dear kings call, will be deemed a knight throughout the land, and collect a reward of 3,000 solid gold coins. The king is in need of a group of Heros willing to risk their lives in the name of their people. Arrive at the palace in Fern City on the second day of summer. [/i][/color][/center] [color=YellowGreen]The parchment said little, not normally as long as the other decrees. However, Archer felt as though it was just as important. If not more. Letters sent out to all of the villages from the capital. Announcing the need for a group of 'Heroes' to go on a dangerous journey in order to help their kingdom. The chance of a life time. At least for Archer. Having been the daughter of a middle classes man and woman. She never would have gotten such an opportunity. Not normally at least. However, the town had requested Archer to go. Knowing her skills behind the string of a bow. Her father had always been proud of her. But the joy that beamed from his old worn eyes when he heard the news... She could never forget such a feeling of accomplishment and joy. It had been five days since she had left Hoofstead. And her journey would soon come to a close. It was only a day to the capital from Ironestone. And the town of great warriors was already insight. Winter swayed beneath her. Her long mane elegantly swirling in the wind. The bond between the horse and girl was amazing. Having raised the little mare from a filly. Winter had helped Archer get through the death of her mother. Through the depression that overwhelmed her. And it seemed that the horse was the one that had taught Archer how to be positive. How to be happy. [b]"[color=SpringGreen]We're almost to Fern city girl![/color]"[/b] She called out into the hot evening air. Her voice echoing through the trees. Winter Neighed as well, seeming to cry out with joy that soon their long journey would fold to a close. At least until they found out what the king had in store for the Heros. Archers brown hair stuck in waved ringlets around her shoulders. Golden light from the sun bounced like raindrops off of each strand of long hair. While her pointed ears interrupted the beautiful wave of brown, sticking out from the sea of silk. Slowly she tugged at the reins. Causing Winter to come to a stop at the side of the road. For a moment a silence passed between them. Listening. Than Archer heard what she had been waiting for. The chirp of birds. Every night when she stopped to rest, she worked on making more arrows. So she would need to find more Materials for that night. She threw her right leg out of the stirrup, and over Winters white back. Jumping skillfully down from The horses side. Knowing Winter would follow her, she began to creep into the forest. Her line of sight covering the forest floor. She examined all the leaves and sticks she could. Searching for a piece of wood straight enough for an arrow, or bird feathers among the rotting leaves. The shade of the trees engulfed them, cool compared to the heat of the trail. Swirls of an earthy smell danced through the air. Lightly tickling the noise of the two travelers with it's freshness. [/color]