A low growl escaped his throat as Thomas began to approach him, glowering down at the vampire mere inches from his face. He never understood Thomas's hatred of him, he had barely done anything to cause this. Other then stick to himself due to his fear of harming people he got close to. But whatever, he just had to roll with the punches. He definitely wasn't going to lay back and take it. He spoke, eyes narrowed," well, since he was threatening you with a lighter and yelling, I figured I'd come and check it out. And what, can a person not fold their arms around here without being called arrogant? What if it is just comfortable position for me?" As soon as his killing of someone came up, his low snarl began, unfolding his arms slowly now. He took a step closer, closing the distance to about two inches," it's good to know that for you killing someone makes you a better person! Killing people who have no reason to be killed is outrageous!" His anger was increasing, hands clenching into fists. He was about to open his mouth to spout off more of his rage of the thought that killing someone was something to be proud of, when another voice cut in. His head turned to look at the boy, one he didn't recognize. What nonsense was this boy spouting off now? Barely able to follow the insanity of words that escaped the kids mouth, he managed to catch the boys name, Aedan. He took a step back, grasping the hand extended to him and shaking it and he said," and my name is Triton. And what I can bring to a fight? Well I can bring this." He released his hand and stepped back, before looking over at Alice when she spoke up. Well, no one was going to die at this point in time. He nodded his understanding, before looking back at Aedan. He allowed his body to shift, his clothes ripping slightly to make room for his wings, and his increased size, but thankfully not shredding then completely. He said, his voice sounding deeper now," this is what I would bring. But I'm afraid I must turn down your offer for working as a team. Me and Thomas do not get along well."