[center][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/hyouka/images/b/bb/Eru.png/revision/latest/window-crop/width/200/x-offset/0/y-offset/48/window-width/240/window-height/120?cb=20140726100414&path-prefix=es[/img] [h1]Tomohina[/h1][/center] Tomohina took her steps carefully and with a gentle grace that almost made it look as though she was using the air to guide each delicate step. Her long black hair flowed like silken tendrils behind her and her pale skin blushed softly under the heated hands of the bearing down sun. She wore a long pale pink skirt and her white shirt was made of a thin linen that puffed out slight on her shoulders. Two grey shoes encased her feet, and she wished so badly that she could be rid of them. She could smell the grass and she honestly wanted nothing more than to feel it under her feet. Her walking stick hit something hard and she stopped. The bus then. Her wavering hand went out and drifted down through the air till it found the surface of open door. Better get on it then. Letting out a small sigh, she smiled in exasperation and entered the bus, finding an empty seat as close to the door as possible. Riding along with the other, she closed her sightless eyes. The murmur of talking surrounded her and sometimes she would focus in on a conversation, only to move onto the next one. Usually they talked of meaningless things. And some did not talk at all. It was odd being so surrounded by strangers...