[hider=Kozmar] Dragon [b]Dragon Form[/b]- The typical Nightmare dragon look, for the most part. [b]Human Form[/b] [hider=Him] [img][/img] Placeholder image tags ^ [/hider] [b]Name[/b]- Kozmar the Betrayer [b]Age[/b]- 91 Dragon Years (A whooping 455 years in human years, though) [b]Gender[/b]- Male [b]Species[/b]- Royal Nightmare Dragon [b]Personality[/b]- The biggest racist against anyone not dragon (and a bit of a racist against any dragon not royal or of the first two species, as well), as well as a sadist and a bit psychotic (more than a bit, really). He makes even fellow Nightmare dragons uncomfortable; at best. He likes to toy with those he meets, considering them all “puppets” in his “game”. He hates associating himself with humans in particular, but forces himself to interact if only to sow discord among them. More and more often has he stepped up in this, showing tangibly less regard for security than he used to. He loves experimenting… in bad ways, usually ways that leave folks dead, as he attempts to “learn” more about anatomy of his “subjects”. He ultimately wants to cause a war that will undoubtedly (in his mind) result in the complete annihilation of any non-dragon species and establish a new world order… preferably without the foolish King and Queen at the helm. [b]Powers[/b] He has all the normal capabilities of a Nightmare dragon. He has the ability to blend in any dark place, visible to only those with a light (aka, a light stronger than a torch or regular light), is empowered at night (approximately half more powerful; if this is confusing, he would be at 150% capacity of his abilities during the night). He can enter the dreams of most mortals and weaker dragon species, although he can be mentally blocked if his victims know what to look for and cannot penetrate the minds of stronger beings or trained heros, such as sunscale dragons, fellow nightmare dragons or the considerably powerful Lich dragons. His royal status allows him to have wings and he has one capability that is unique to the higher ranks of Nightmare dragons: The ability to breathe the Dark Flame (as a visual, think of a “[url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_light]black light[/url]” for how it looks) The dark flame operates similar to how regular dragon breath works, with the exception of its properties (it has a sort of enchanting effect on what it touches, provided said thing is not destroyed) and looks acidic, given how it looks like a big mass of darkness is being sent out. He is one of a limited number of dragons to be able to shape-shift. The form he uses is notably stronger than that of the average human, but is not one where he can use his magics at full capacity. He can, however, use them like a human mage would. He has some knowledge of typical human spells due to his studies but can only execute the older, more dragon-centered ones at full effectiveness, as fully human spells draw on different sources entirely. If he is mortally wounded in human form he will revert to a damaged dragon form and cannot return back to human form until he is healed. This does not go reverse; the energy it takes to shift means that a mortally wounded dragon form would end up dying in the process of becoming a human, and even in human form his wounds are actually amplified. His last particular power is a unique one; and it is the capability to [b]Bio/History[/b] [hider=Here it is…[/hider] In the early days… Kozmar was born in a day when the names of dragon slayers were still a very touchy subject. He was an orphan and raised in the Night Palace by one of its leaders. He was assigned a very specific task in life: study humans, dwarves, all lesser beings. He used quite a few means to learn, going so far as kidnapping a few experiments from the human and dwarven side. He never did go so far south to catch an elf, though. His studies were successful in that he learned quite a bit about the anatomies of lesser beings. However, as he studied, he started growing some… views about the humans. While the others became content sitting in their mountain caves and fighting over how to make do with food, Kozmar developed the view that humans were completely fallible. How could they possibly have won the war in the first place? The weakest, most pathetic beings to be spawned, and they were supposedly holding back the greatest beings to walk the realm. His experiments became more violent, until his experimental chamber was filled with messes and a suspiciously colored paint job. His perspective became skewed, and he drew inwards - not the more inquisitive dragon that had been adapted what at that point 50 dragon years ago. Eventually, knowledge of his experiments leaked. The one who was supposed to supervise his activities was banished, and he was shut down and banned from any experimentation or interaction with humans ever again. His dungeon, which ended up in the end looking like some sort of room from hell, was first burned out and then destroyed. This didn’t set well with him (obviously). His growing anger became in part focused at the leadership of not just the Nightmare dragons, but all dragons in general. They let themselves be repelled by the pathetic humans, rock tossing dwarves, tree hugging elves. Wingless dragons became a subject of scorn to him. The laws at the core of society were a mockery and an exposed belly to weak beings and an invitation to “poke me”. To that end, he traveled to small dwarven villages… and proceeded to massacre them. One day, there was a small dwarven outpost; the other day, charred remains and burnt bones were all that were left. He was quickly shut down and brought to what would be considered the trial of many hundreds of years; he blatantly disregarded the cores of society, and he didn’t care. He made that very clear. At first, the sentence was death; however, his royal status and the declining amount of dragons to retain this status, combined with his age in regards to other dragons of the time, caused bitter debate. In this time of debate, he lured one of his guards over… and proceeded to kill him. From that point on, he would be a murderer, as he had killed a Nightmare dragon - one of his brothers - that day. He found that he liked it. He took the opportunity to escape, going deep into the southern forests, not too far from human civilization. There he set up a small lab similar to the old one he had, and brought a young and deranged human in his service later on to assist with things. This human is now 70 years old, but for whatever reason, Kozmar hasn’t decided to kill him. Perhaps it’s because the said human is almost as bad as he is? Now, Kozmar wanders, creating small bouts of chaos and in some cases leaving a few… graphic reminders that humans are not as safe as they presume they are. Future collaboration with fellow human-haters is possible; but in the end, he got his title “the Betrayer” and a special place in the dark spot of every dragon’s heart for a reason: he’s simply not to be trusted. [/hider] [b]Other[/b] -He is obviously not of a very good mental state. He thinks he is personally reasonable and logical. Although he’s cold and calculating with some logic involved, some of what he calls “reasonable” is just plain sick. -He knows how to take down a human or dwarf much more than the average dragon should. Elves it is a similar case, although he hasn’t experimented on them. -He’s not to be trusted; everyone in his eyes is a pawn, and every pawn can be sacrificed. -Anyone following the rules of the land would rightfully hate him. -Despite his legacy with the dragons, few of them actually know where he is and what he is doing now. Humans know even less; none of them know his name, only that there have been reports of people that were never seen again in the west that are rarely proven at best and denounced as old wives tales at worst. -He hasn’t shifted forms for 5 human years. [/hider] [hider=Mayson Drewyer] [b]Appearance[/b] [hider=Him] I’ll leave him up to imagination for now, basically because I can’t find an image and am pretty bad with physical descriptions. Think of a guy of average height with crappy clothes, an old looking face and a rather crazy look on it, and you have him in a nutshell. [/hider] [b]Name[/b]- Mason Drewyer [b]Age[/b]- 70 human years [b]Gender[/b]- Male [b]Race[/b]- Human [b]Personality[/b]- Weak willed, with a twisted mind and a twisted sense of things, which hasn’t been helped one bit by his association with one who specializes in such things. He tends to echo his master’s statements, although he is a little less than enthusiastic about the part where each and every human must die (insert some horrible means of death here) death. He’s a bit of a coward and wouldn’t spend much time running away if he met any other dragon. [b]Weapons/Equipment[/b]- Clothes that make him look like a peasant and a short sword that he can barely use because of his age. [b]Bio/History[/b] A peasant who grew up in a life of crime, and a life where everything was honestly quite boring. He joined gangs, ran in with the law, and was a fairly athletic, gangster sort of guy. Then he met Kozmar. Just a little ways too far in the woods, he met Kozmar just as the dragon had come to the village to stir up trouble. He was spared on a whim. Later that evening, Kozmar explored the man’s dreams… and found an opportunity. The man would never be a great hero nor a villain of great infamy, but he would make a good servant and someone to distract. Mason, for what he would after that never know why, accepted a point blank offer to join Kozmar in his quest. From then on, Mason lived a life of being a servant. Fetching things for Kozmar, being a lure for innocents to be destroyed utterly by Kozmar, and in general regretting signing up with the almost literal devil. When he was 55 or so, his breath started to become almost toxic. That was when Kozmar started more dragging Mason around rather than having him do more than simple, preferably away from him chores. When Mason reached his 65th birthday, Kozmar had reduced the man to a point of just going around and scouting, while being a general purpose servant. Preferably not standing close to Kozmar. Now, he tags along with Kozmar (not that he has much of a choice) and does odd jobs, sometimes being in a town for a few days and meeting up with Kozmar to talk about the situation, including guards, suspicious figures, and the like. [b]Other[/b] -He’s old, not dead. He is a bit strong, even for his age, and although he lacks in bravery when it comes to meeting other dragons he would die a martyr against other species, although that would probably come after he thinks about what his master would do if he simply ran away. -He’s very “meh” with swords. Not much of a fight unless his opponent isn’t good with a sword. -Don’t give this guy a bow. The arrow would snap back in his face. -He could kill someone with his noxious breath. Even Kozmar prefers to stay a good 6 feet away unless holding his breath, in which case it’s only 3 feet away. Any closer and Kozmar would wipe Mason out on the spot. [/hider] [hider=Rorngar] [b]Appearance[/b]- The classic dwarf, take an older one with a worldly look about him. (placeholder description) [b]Name[/b]- Rorngar, son of Thonzin [b]Age[/b]- 51 [b]Gender[/b]- Male [b]Race[/b]- Dwarf [b]Personality[/b]- Gruff but not unfriendly. Independent and doesn’t have the best opinion of elves, an average opinion of humans and considers any dwarf his friend. He will get mad if you touch his stuff. He dislikes dragons for their history and his upbringing and wouldn’t mind splitting a few skulls on their end. His honor and pride take precedence, with his axe coming second place. [b]Weapons/Equipment[/b]- A long, two handed double-sided axe (he sometimes uses it like a staff) and an enchanted necklace, along with a set of medium weight dwarven-forged armor. [b]Bio/History[/b] Born into a family of traditional warrior dwarves with a rather dark past concerning Dragons, Rorngar grew up to his grandfather’s tales about the old days of dragon hunting in a world where dragons were dismissed more often than not, and to even older stories of the Great War (so termed by the Dwarves). His father was in the Karnaghrum; Rorngar himself was a third son. The first two joined the Karnaghrum while Rorngar adapted the life of a traveller, much to his father’s displeasure of course. He moved around quite a bit, never staying in one place for an extended period, but became known for his abilities, family legacy and most obviously his speeches against the legacy of dragons, while helping to advance the known lore of them and develop strategies. It is this reputation that brought him to the attention of the human king. [b]Other[/b] -He’s a strong melee fighter with limited bow experience. -He’s known to be decisively anti-dragon and has contributed to human knowledge of ways to fight them, which are based off the war stories from his grandfather. -It is honestly a wonder why he hasn’t been assassinated by a dragon given his sometimes criticized speeches against dragons and collaboration with those who have studied them… more on the side of what to do if dragons were to come again. -In a diplomacy group to dragons, he would obviously not be the speaker… more like the extra hand on deck when things go poorly. [/hider] [hider=Minor Characters/NPC's] When this finds its way over to the Char tab, this section will be for NPC's (controllable and killable by other players, just ones who are defined by me, such as generic guard captains for a scene, for example) and minor characters (basically ones that I am too lazy to make a CS for and ones who won't be a primary focus, such as a friend of character who is met along the way). They will include an image (if I find one suitable), a generaldescription and a list of basic stuff about them. Dynamic section that will probably be edited a lot, so check here if I bring in anyone worth mentioning (I won't be making even a mini-CS for the two guards that character meets while going to see the king). [/hider]