Malory proudly attempted to clap, causing some pain in his shoulder strong enough to encourage him to not clap. He was done with this bullshit job and could go back to slacking off and probably selling drugs that were hopefully delivered without a problem. Kal invited him into a meeting, to which he promptly declined. "Listen I uh, no. Meetings are not my think babe." He patted her lower back, luckily aiming higher than her butt and avoiding a terrible fate, regardless of how she took the unintended advance. A crushed pelvis was just as bad as a crushed skull. "Ahhh, finally, I can get back to not doing security things." he sighed, as the doors were forced open behind him by his boss. Christian pulled out a holopad and started looking at a list of weaponry. Some of it was listed as illegal, some of it labeled doomsday. Only a few of them had check marks next to them, marking them as in stock. None of the doomsday devices had received a check, but an rifle designed to destroy the strong nucear bonds of molecules was there. His pride and joy, the most dangerous thing he had ever owned. A rifle that could reduce anything into a cloud of molecules unable to bond together. If only he had a reason to use it. His holopad continued scrolling, showing wanted posters, silhouettes with contact information under them and finally planets with a list of rare or dangerous materials there. "Ooh, a grenade that kills all life that it touches, including grass? Where are those... Hmmm, where is Lemea?" He asked aloud to himself. He continued on past the server room, headed toward his bunk.