[hider=Appearance] [b]Appearance[/b]- [img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/7a3d/f/2014/291/0/7/magikarp_by_gatormouth-d83bsxn.png[/img] [/hider] [b]Name[/b]- Lance Heimlood [b]Gender[/b]- Male [b]Race[/b]- Human [b]Personality[/b]- Lance is an old fisher man and as such he is often very brash, and often gets himself and others into trouble. He also loves to drink and has been known to start talking to invisible people when he is drunk.(Breaks the fourth wall) Lance loves to tell tales of his past accomplishments and often makes them seem bigger than life. Lance also talks like a pirate. [b]Branch of Magic[/b]- [s]Ability to break the barrier between earth and the gods when he is drunk.(breaks the fourth wall)[/s] [b]Weapons/Equipment[/b]- He uses a harpoon that he calls Lucy, It has slain many fish to this day and continues to do so. [b]Bio/History[/b]- Lance was born as a simple fisher man in RiverStone. At the age of 3 he caught his first fish, he has caught bigger and bigger fish since then. He often travels out to see as well to go on fishing trips where his most famous stories come from. Over the years he has become a legend among the town of RiverStone. He has caught fish as big as him, even wrestled sharks before just for fun. While Lance is rather impressive fisherman, he has never had any luck on land with his own life. [b]Other[/b]- Has a pet Seagull named Greg.