[img]http://dcslider.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/donovan_1200.png[/img] [b]The King of Crime[/b] [b]Alignment: [/b][color=Red]Villain[/color] [b]Real Name: [/b] Alexander "Alex" Lorne [b]Age: [/b] 35 [b]Alias: [/b]The Watcher [b]Power Armour: [/b] [hider=Image] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/46/21/6b/46216b70e9fb232bf6b5a0985580d43c.jpg[/img] The suit of the ex-Hero Thunderbolt, it has not been seen since the heroes disappearance six months ago. In terms of abilities think Iron Man minus all the offensive weaponry. It can send shocks through the hands, has flight capabilities via a jetpack in the back and is strong/durable. However for any other offensive weapon the user has to be carrying a weapon.[/hider] [b]Meta type: [/b]Overhuman [b]Description of Powers: [/b] Alex is a technopath, able to interface with any technology and given time allowed control over it. Through physical contact (Or contact to an item in the same local network) he can interface with a device fully, and it is quicker for him to be able to gain control over the system. Wirelessly it takes more time, and currently he only has a range of ten metres. He can also access the internet to use it to hack into systems however systems must have at least one terminal connected to the internet and his attempts can be traced to the point of origin. In terms of against security weaker "Personal" security systems are quite easy for him to overpower however more complicated systems are obviously harder for him to hack and quite often he will only be able to get temporary access before he is thrown out the system. Nanites: Throughout his travels and various misdeeds Alex came across a lab developing small machines designed to heal peoples bodies internally, being able to cure any illness. However a problem with the devices was programming them to do the right thing. Alex did the "Wrong" thing and using his abilities and influence managed to steal these nanites and now they reside within his own body. This allows him to heal (As long as he has enough "Material" for the nanites to use), can increase his strength/endurance temporarily and make minor constructs (Such as a blade sticking out of his wrist). Given more he may be able to create larger more complex structures however after the lab was raide dthye lost all their funding and shut down. [b]Background: [/b] The Illegitimate son of the famous super-hero [REDACTED], he grew up his mother pushing his fathers legacy in his face. That was why he didn't know his dad, why he never saw him. People never believed it when he told them who his dad was. He grew stale, and bitter. His dad didn't even want to be part of his life, he lived in a hovel in the middle of downtown. He swore he would get to the top, one way or another he'd make his way up. Always a thinker, and not a brute, in his early years he was occasionally bullied. However over time he began to swing it around. Psychological torment seemed to work equally as well, or blackmail (Though blackmail as a six year old isn't that impressive). Over time the bullies came to his side, even at a young age he amassed a following. Though as said it wasn't overly impressive but in hind sight it set the stepping stones for the rest of his life. He was good at planning, at making people hurt and getting them to do what he wanted. He just had to think about it, and then why do the heavy lifting? He could get others to do it for him. This continued up into the teen years, where another development happened. Upon the age of 13 he began to notice a change, and not the kind that was simply related to puberty. He gained a proficiency for computers. Never being the smartest in the class he was surprised at first, though playing it smart he managed to tone it down. Made it less obvious in his classes. He didn't want anyone to find out he was a meta, he wanted to slip through the system. This was his ticket, this was his ticket to a better life. He could gather the dirt on anyone at school, and get them to do what he wanted. Though he'd need an online alias, that couldn't be traced back to him. This was when he became the [i]Watcher[/i]. At thirteen years old. Fast forward a few years, and he was out of school and working for a living. Though not in the way his mum wanted. He was merely 18, and he was already working his way into the crime world in a big way. He didn't join the bottom of the pile, no. He started his own. Initially it was just him, a couple of scores. Using his technopathy to get in and out unnoticed. He wouldn't appear in cameras, he was a ghost. He could get in and out in minutes, always knew where the police where and when they were coming and where the hidden cameras were, when silent alarms went off. Eventually a person doing this solo gathered attention, slowly the Watcher gained more and more power. Though with power came suspicion, he moved him and his mum into the centre of the city where she was content with being able to see the location where his dad lived. He just scoffed at the prospect. This was when he started the Lorne Corporation, at the forefront of software development and engineering. Programming a lot of it himself he intentionally made it hard to crack, even for him with his abilities and as he made it using his abilities that made it even harder for anyone else to get in. The company began raking in thousands, all the while Alex was expanding his own kingdom in the foundations of the city. Police got evidence on the gangs he wanted rid off, couldn't find any on the ones that were allied to him. It wasn't long until he controlled the entire city, buying the tower owned by his fathers company and moving in. His father oblivious to the relation. For the next stage of his life he kept expanding his reign over nearby cities, and stretching out ever further. However not getting overly ambitious, and instead of actively moving into other states he merely had people there as a means of communication out into some of the bigger international syndacites. Eventually of course one of the more Technological adept "Superheroes" Thunderbolt found out who Alex was, and what he was doing. The battle was... interesting. However eventually Thunderbolt strayed too close, and Alex got in contact, and control, of the suit cutting off its life support suffocating Thunderbolt in a coffin of his own making. Before however Thunderbolt "Officially" disappeared he would be seen once more. Breaking into a nearby facility, one developing nanites. As the company had refused Alex' attempt at officially buying them over he felt it was the best way for the old hero to go out, by comitting a crime. Somewhat poetic in his mind. For the past six months he hasn't been expanding. However he has been making sure the foundations of his kingdom are nice and strong. There seems to be [i]another[/i] surge of Metas appearing, and as such he wants to be sure he can weather the storm. [b]Personality: [/b] Manipulative, controlling. However he's also cool under pressure if things don't go his way, and don't let the relaxed attitude fool you. He has a plan for everything. [b]Planned Arcs:[/b] -King of the Hill: Being on top has it's perks, but you always have to watch your back and what's going on behind the scenes. -Return of Thunderbolt?: The armours the same, but different. Who could this imposter be? Where has he been for the past six month and why has he turned to a life of crime? (With Alex in control of the suit) -Enemy of my Enemy: Rivalries exist in the underworld, however with a surplus of heroes likely even Villains will need to unite (These of course can run concurrently or stop/start depending on your GM planned stories/events) [b]Secret identity known to public?: [/b] No [b]City of residence: [/b] Angel City: However has minor operations and connections in multiple cities, however he also has substantial operations in Valle Dorado and Los Vascos and quite often moves between the three.