The moment the shooting started, Khel Zhar raised his omni tool and activated the shield boost program. Though his suits built in shields were quite powerful, being the only Krogan in his room would mean drawing a lot of fire (despite his reputation as generally being a non combatant). With that done, he spotted the nearest exit and broke into a lumbering run. It was no Battlemaster charge, but it was certainly not something any non-krogan would want to be in the path of... As a hapless Turian shooter discovered when he failed to get out of the way fast enough. Zhar lowered his shoulder and barged the man out of the way. The sound of armor buckling could be heard as he struck and when the man flew backwards and sideways out of the way, several bones could be heard snapping. He certainly wouldn’t be getting up. Still, a lot of fire had been impacting on Zhar’s shield, and he knew it couldn’t last much longer. The door was close, but before he got to it, he ducked behind the nearest corner large enough to mostly conceal his bulk. He stood still for a few seconds, taking the time to mentally curse not remaining primarily in the information business. He would never have walked into this kind of trap one hundred years ago. But this was the price one paid for trying to help the galaxy. He checked his omni tool then, noting that his shields were at ninety percent now. Good enough. He peered out of cover with one eye, aiming his omni tool as he did so. Fire had mostly shifted onto the remaining uncovered targets, but a few rounds bounced off the wall next to him and his shield. He quickly spotted the shooter and hit him with an energy drain, siphoning the power straight to his own shields, temporarily overcharging them. He then began moving as quickly as possible to the door. From there, he would head to where his ship was docked and get out of the system. He had a feeling this was all going to go downhill very quickly. He did not flee completely on reaching the door however. Taking cover by it, he triggered his omni tool’s minifacturing suite, ordering it to build a recon mine. A second later, it was ready, and he carefully aimed the tools launcher to land the mine behind a cluster of enemy troops. He detonated the weapon as soon as it was in place, the shaped charge wreaking havoc among the hostile forces. Moments after this, he had triggered tactical scan to make sure he wasn’t flanked, before proceeding to look for a way out of this mess.