[@WeepingLiberty] I'm not sure if the ability question is a no or a yes. But here's a proposal: due to some sort of bloodline issue or genetic issue, my characters is a lot less strong. Maybe even human level. But in return he has something called eldritch powers (I'll detail them a little later, so far I was thinking in direction of ‘Nosgoth’ or ‘Vampire: the masquerade, Temeraire’). I know you want to distance yourself from the complex powers from Twilight (though I never saw the movie or read the books) but I personally love pouring some time into abilities. Of course I'd make it as detailed as possible so there would be no doubt about what he and can't do and I'd do my very best to keep it in the style of the RP. Anyway enjoy the festival! And I'd totally get it if you don't accept my offer, but I'd still make a character ^^.