About Shiro being overpowered. Previously it turned out that the accusation of Shiro's OP-ness was simply based on a misunderstanding and a lack of clarification on my part, however, Shiro was in fact built to be quite strong. I created him with the story purpose of hunting down and fighting Calamity. He's not as strong as Calamity is, but he's significantly more versatile and would most certainly be able to hold his own. It is for this purpose that I designed him, to create a plot thread that might stir the story into action. However, as it seems now, Calamity is far from being the main villain of the story. Two new and entirely seperate threats have emerged, both of which are more significant than that posed by Calamity himself. Shiro, however, remains significantly more powerful than most other characters, and I believe the only character with a chance of defeating him is Abbadon. This is based not on Abbadon being more powerful than characters like Guilt, but rather because of his capability to preeptively recognize where Shiro will teleport. This severely stunts Shiro's ability to dodge incoming attacks, and potentially grants Abbadon the ability to dodge Shiro's more powerful offensive capabilities. For those who underestimate Shiro, as I have designed him, consider the following points: - The Absolute Eye, combined with instant teleportation, makes Shiro practically impossible to hit. Even supersonic projectiles such as bullets will simply be teleported to the Arsenal, only to be turned against their master. Without Abbadon's power or psychic capabilities, it becomes almost impossible to harm Shiro in any way. - Any weapon or armour utilized by your character is pointless, and may end up making Shiro more capable. - Shiro's firepower is equivelant to a tank cannon, in an attack he can repeat often. This attack can not be dodged, as it is generated at whatever location he wished. He is able to hit you through walls and other obstacles using the Abolute Eye. The air can potentially be replaced with acidic materials, holy water for Abbadon, or other such weaponry. - If you have a weakness, and Shiro finds it, he can instantly exploit it. He could literally teleport into the Vatican to steal the Pope's kidneys, if that's your weakness. An EMP, a deadly virus, a volatile explosive.... any weapon and material on Earth, or even in other galaxies or universes, can be acquired in the space of half a minute. - Should you gain any kind of advantage during the fight, Shiro can instantly retreat to the other side of the world, and spend a nice weekend recuperating on a beach resort. All the while he can spy on you from across the world using the Abolute Eye. Meaning if you ever let your guard down, even while on the toilet or asleep, he can take you down. Based on these points, I'm sure most people will realize that even with the heavy limiters placed upon him (such as his inability to transport organic material, or to portal things into people's stomachs) Shiro is OP. So my choices are to either nerf him down to a level more equal to the rest of the roleplay, or to continue using him as a plot tool to match more powerful characters. However, I felt that in this it would be rather important to have feedback from the other players.