Xarzith kepesk has finished making a temporary shelter into the snow, just north of the sun palace. It was hidden on the opposite side of one of the peaks. "It would a pitty if I get noticed," he thought to himself in draconic,"It is a shame that I do not know any illusion spells to hide myself properly." Xarzith kepesk decided to scout the surrounding peaks for some food and potential areas that anyone may ambush him. He found a yeti and swiftly killed it without spilling any blood. " This will do for now." he thought. Back at the shelter, Xarzith kepesk reflected back when he was a juvenile. He has no siblings but Xarzith kepesk did not mind. He never meet his father in real life however he cannot shake the fact that he has known father his entire life. His mother was a HydroSurge Dragon. His mother taught him all the necessary basic skills that all new-borns need to learn. One such skill was hunting. Xarzith kepesk loved hunting antelope because it was a challenge and the meat was heavenly. Better than anything up north. The only benefit about the food up north is that the competition is pretty much non-existent. He was the apex predator. Xarzith kepesk cannot wait til he gets back to the forest.