It took another few moments of staring for the whole picture to sink in, things seemed to be happening far too fast, like a speed up movie. Two more people had appeared from ……somewhere, although she couldn't say if anyone was to ask, even if there was no one else to do the asking. It looked like at least [i]one[/i] of the others here could actually fight, although it wasn't entirely reassuring Alex decided, that worm would take more than one person to defeat. As she thought that, she realized that meant [i]she[/i] was going to have to fight as well. As it was, her short blades probably wouldn't do much damage to something with that bulk. Coming to a decision, Alex dashed across to where the three others had gathered, skidding slightly as she threw on the brakes. She stumbled to a stop next to them hearing the last of the second man's words. "……what could happen if it decides to infect a hospital. I can't let that happen." Stepping forward with a slight grin fulled by building adrenalin Alex questioned, [color=92278f][b]"So, do you have a plan? Or are we just going to wing it?"[/b][/color] She hoped she hadn't startled them too much, but it was a bit late to worry about that now. [color=92278f][b]"I don't think that thing is going to wait much longer."[/b][/color] pausing for a breath she charged on, [color=92278f][b]"If you don't have a plan I reckon that if I was to be 'bait' and distract it, you could get it from behind? Possibly."[/b][/color] It looked to Alex that one might be able to get rid of the face-plate-armour-thingie if they were to get on the neck at the back of the head, but she wasn't really sure about that.