My input: Nerf the Absolute Eye ability. It's more balanced and makes more sense for Shiro to see what's around him, and only him individually, in 360 degrees. Being able to see 360 degrees [i]everwhere[/i] on the [i]planet[/i] is too much imo. Introduce the limitation of a cool down time for his teleporting. This time should be dependent of the distance traveled. Teleporting short distances, like in Shiro's fight on the rooftop with Abaddon, would have little to no cool down time. Larger jumps, like the one you described where he teleports from one part of the world to the other, should obviously have a significantly longer cool down time and possibly some physical draw back. Nerf his portal creation ability. Sure making portals around you like you do in Portal is fine, but being able to spawn any number of portals anywhere in the world is, again, too much. (lol take a shot every time I say portal) Nerf Shiro's Tankshell Attack. Just make it avoidable, and it should also only be able to be projected from Shiro's person and again, not from anywhere on the planet to another spot on the planet. "Any weapon or armor used by your character is pointless." I'm guessing this ties in with him being able to teleport said weapons and armor away. Makes more sense for the weapons than for armor being worn. I don't really have any suggestions for this as it's honestly a logical extension of Shiro's power, just be careful how and when you use it since it can easily step into godmodding. I think that the main problem with all of these is their potential to be used in an omnipresent fashion. Take this out of the mix and you should have an easier time balancing Shiro out.