[color=00aeef]Lance was already at Fern City. He had gotten just arrived and was already heading towards a pub. There was nothing better to him than a pub with great liquor and a great atmosphere to share his tales. He had gotten the parchment several days ago and had been traveling with a caravan of merchants to get there. Lance entered the Pub with a booming sound as he slammed open the doors. "Give me a beer lass!" Lance said to the bartender with great joy. As such he started to share his tales, many people crowded around him as they hadn't heard stories like his who was a legend of among fishermen. "Oh you should have seen the size of this fish! It was bigger that post!" Lance said describing a fish he had previously caught with great glee on his face. [/color] -------------------------------------------------------------- [color=598527]Gabelle herself had been witnessing the chaos that Kozmar had created. She was in her human for at moment, though she left her tail out on purpose, mostly as a way to defend herself. "Darn, and I really liked the beer in this town." Gabelle said putting a hand to her cheek as she walked up behind Kozmar while watching the chaos. "And the humans made such good playmates." Gabelle added acting as if this was a real shame to her. Gabelle watched some of the humans accuse the rich family with pitchforks in hand. [/color]