Chris recoiled from the gunshots around him, and almost immediately dived towards one of the victims, ignoring the fake UPS man. It was a girl, kind of, with a frail thin body, half of her head shaven off, more piercings than a group of death metal fans, and above all, a hole in her face just above the right eye. He extended a hand towards her, slowly, as if in a dream... But when the gunshot on the phone finally registered, it slowed his world to a halt and shut down all his senses. His knees, already bent over the dead raver, gave out, and he sat down on the ground, his eyes staring ahead. He slowly became aware of a searing pain in his chest, one without any physical source. It was raising strange alarms. He wanted to kill and die all at once, and when the hands closed on his arms and shirt from behind, pulling him into darkness, he felt for some skin with his fingers and sent a shutdown command to the heart. There was a low grunt, and eventually the hands began letting go. There were voices of panic and anger, muffled by his apathy, then a strong hand grabbed him by the back of the neck and slammed his face into the van's door. [color=red]"You better stop this right now or I will fuckin gut you, mutie!"[/color] someone growled from behind him. He turned his head slowly, adjusting his eyes to the darkness. One of the special forces guys was clutching his chest, his eyes wide and bulging. But when Chris extended a hand, nother black-clad man, who most likely was not paying attention, lunged towards him. The scientist absentmindedly pulled him to the floor and climbed over him on the way to the choking man. He was met with a gaze of helplessness and horror. The man was breathing rapidly, his lungs useless with his pulse set to almost one beat per minute. He put a hand on the man's exposed neck, whose breath slowed within moments. But as he looked at Chris with gratitude, the young man's stone-cold stare returned the fear into his eyes. Yes, you are nothing but a machine to me, the glass-shielded eyes said, and your life is a wave of the hand away. They pulled him away eventually, and he folded into the sitting position they forced him into a few minutes ago. They were all in a hurry to let go of him once he was sitting, but he did not notice any of it. Slowly shutting down his senses, he closed his eyes and withdrew within himself. He thought he should've noticed something in the way they referred to him, but it was all far away...