Kasai had finally decided to move from her spot on the couch to her bed long after the sun had set over the city. Nestled into her bed, she had just about found sleep when a loud rumbling and a honk came from the street outside. A smile played across her face before she even opened her eyes. She made it to the window in time to see the tail lights disappear down the block. The next morning Kasai woke and put on some tea to brew before she would need to get ready for work. The card with the number on it still sat on her coffee table, staring her in the face. What was the big deal? She should just call the number and find out if the person on the other end of the line can give her what she wanted. Unfortunately, Kasai was more skeptical than that. She drank her tea and picked up the card again. That was that. She decided she would call the number today when she got off work. Afterall, the worse thing that could happen is she gets rejected from yet another news reporter. Nothing she hadn't experienced already. And after Avani's little drive by last night, she decided to go ahead and try to see Avani today as well. Kasai groaned and stood up from the couch, placing her cup in the sink before heading to get dressed for the day. She would be stuck on surveillance again, which meant she needed to be wearing civilian clothing. Well, it wasn't as protective as her police uniform was but she couldn't complain as it was certainly more comfortable to sit around in. Kasai grabbed her badge and the rest of her things, shoving the card from the table in her pocket before heading out the door to her car. She made it to the station, where the captain briefed her on what the previous officer had observed. Apparently the place was seeing a little more action than it had yesterday. She was told to keep her radio handy and keep her eyes peeled. Satisfied with the information she was given, she headed out towards the gang's hangout. Kasai parked her car a couple blocks away as to not raise any suspicion on her part. She slipped her radio onto the waist of her pants and covered it up with her shirt before making her way to the bench where she would unfortunately spend the next several hours of her life. Taking a seat, she sighed and faced the building across the street to look for any signs of illegal activity. All was clear for now, so she got comfortable and settled in for the job.