[center][b]~| Day 1, 17:46 GST |~[/b] ~| Aboard the Kaggath, Main Prison Complex |~[/center][@Rtron] Tilting his head Som glanced over at his new companion, noticing the scared human girl lurking nearby for the first time as he did. The girl looked in a very bad state and Som doubted she'd been like that at the Temple, so unless there were prisoners from the lower city levels being held wherever this was then perhaps she'd been here for a while. [color=fdc68a][i]It may be worth asking the girl what she knows of this place at some point,[/i][/color] the Mirialan thought to himself, pushing the thought aside as he turned to consider his more talkative roommate. [color=fdc68a]"I do not believe that 'pissing him off' would be the best approach when dealing with any Sith, as my own wounds can attest to."[/color] As he spoke Som could tell that his jaw was beginning to swell, his words coming out mumbled and distorted by his barely functioning jaw. Reaching up he quickly probed the bone with his finger tips, wincing slightly as the soft tissue sparked with pain at his touch. Fighting passed it the Mirialan ran his fingers down first one side of his face then the other, but could find no problem with the bone itself, although the joint felt a little looser than normal from where the Sith had struck him with her armoured hand. [color=fdc68a][i]Perhaps some ligament damage?[/i][/color] Som wondered to himself before letting his hand fall back down into his lap. With nothing better to do Som took a long, deep breath, holding it for a second before expelling it again, clearing his lungs before breathing deeply once more. The foul stench of the chambers fell away from his senses as he began to focus his mind more clearly with the breathing exercises and Som could feel himself gaining full control of his body through the Force. His grandfather's teachings had served Som well in developing his hibernation trance techniques back in training, and hopefully even a low-level trance would help his mouth heal a little faster without having to place himself in a full sleep. Turning his attention back to the more active of his two human companions Som nodded his head towards the walls. [color=fdc68a]"How do you know we're on a ship?"[/color] He asked curiously, [color=fdc68a]"They could've just armour plated the walls to make it more difficult for us to get out."[/color]