Placing the lovely old pocket watch back around his neck had a calming effect as well, he almost felt ecstatic that it was a good charm. Something about having the witch tell him that made him feel warm for a moment, so the watch had been a good investment. It had called to him, nearly whispered at him and something about it made him think of his brother. It was a special trinket but more importantly, it was his trinket and it was probably always going to be his. Before he could let himself contemplate the ides of forever, he decided to hide it away again. He tucked it lightly into the fabric of his shirt again, the cold metal pressing into his skin once more. He listened to her as he began to sketch in the hair, she had good hair as he'd noted earlier. Coppery and often catching the lights, or at least that was how it appeared to his heightened senses. It almost seemed to have it's own sort of life. He really wished he had some color but he'd only brought the charcoal pencil and charcoal didn't really do her the justice that she deserved. She wasn't black and white anymore, definitely not a stranger if he didn't feel vaguely threatened. She was the start of a friendship and that nearly reigned a smile out of him but he managed to qualm it. The details of her face were nice, smatterings of freckles and a good brow line. "We had a dog when I was little but he got hit by a car. Cars don't seem to like us much," a morbid half-laugh before he realized she had moved next to him and began to fully see the image he'd been sketching. It was definitely her profile now, done in the thick lines of the charcoal pencil and pretty skillfully done at that. Underneath, he scrawled in her name in his lazy curling handwriting and signed the corner. Carefully tearing it free of the notebook, he slid it over to her and smiled brightly. "Eighteen, not like a thousand and eighteen but eighteen. My ex turned me last year, thought it would be a sweet surprise or something but mostly it just ended our relationship. I wasn't so into it. I first met her at the park, I was drawing her and vampire senses are a lot more incredible than I can even grasp. She noticed and this whole thing snowballed out of it but it got me back on track, accidentally, I'd never really thank her for that." Shaking his head slightly, he almost seemed to roll his eyes. He was being petty by still holding the grudge, he couldn't count how many times that the girl had apologized. He couldn't help the pettiness though, he was still trying to get over the fact that he'd never die. It was ridiculous. "So now I'm just buying time before the inevitable happens and everyone I know and love is very, very dead. That means a lot of art is getting done, I hope you like that, by the way. It would have been better if I'd brought the colors with me. You have one of those faces that just looks better if it's not trapped in black and white though-" he grimaced, a dramatic display at best, even touched his heart. Mimicking any painting of any artist he'd ever seen, he made his eyes look pained. "Some beings are much better trapped within the heavy and dramatic shading of chiaroscuro." Breaking from the expression, he arched his eyebrows. "What's your grandmother like? Is she nice? My parents can be a little bit of a pain."