Makoto thought about Phoebe's suggestion. A chill ran down he spine, recalling the students on her campus. [color=fff79a][b]"I hate to say it but, the general population doesn't exactly like us. I mean sure, we help keep places marginally safe but more often than not we are all trying to control one another. Other supers with bad intentions or misguided paths."[/b][/color] she agreed. [color=fff79a][b]"It may not even be one person with hate and money, but a group of radicals."[/b][/color] Makoto sighed in frustration.[color=fff79a][b]"We are just going in circles, we need more than what we have to go on. The list of possibilities is just too long right now."[/b][/color] As much as she hated wishing harm on people, they almost needed another attack to happen while they were all on guard, that way specials could be present to discuss how it went down in more detail. A scuffle with who ever was involved in the attack. Makoto hoped that other, smaller pockets of people who disliked their kind wouldn't pop up and use the chaos as an opportunity to lash out.