[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Mq5fQ9s.png[/img][/center] [center][i]A World War Two-Esque RP. Build your army, and lead it to victory![/i][/center] [center][u][h2]WAR!!!![/h2][/u][/center] It was only a matter of time before the Pact of Iron, an alliance of ultra right-wing nation states, came to blows with their eastern adversaries. The Communist Bloc, also known simply as The State, has provoked the Pact of Iron for the last time with another show of strength. Communist military exercises all along the borderlands have been misinterpreted by the Pact of Iron's Regional Defence Forces as preparations for an imminent offensive. After hasty phone calls behind the closed doors of local military headquarters, all Kings, Emperors, Tsars and Fuhrers have consented to a combined arms operation against The State, with the intent of annexing ten miles of its borderlands, and destroying the bulk of its forces in the process. The State, with its spies in every board room, cabinet meeting and Fascist gathering west of the border, is all too aware of this development. However, the Chairman is hesitant. He does not want a war, for The State's military machine is years behind that of the Pact of Iron's, and he fears a certain and crushing defeat. Therefore, instead of pouring his country's numerous army formations into the borderlands, he withdraws them instead and leaves behind a token force - an act of appeasement. If the fascists want ten miles of his vast territory, why should the Chairman risk outright defeat? Ten miles is ten miles, after all. Better to leave their hunger for expansion and pride sated, and strike back later. Little does he know, the Pact of Iron views the matter on an entirely different level. For them, this is the culmination of a decade-long build up for just such a confrontation, and they will not stop at the ten mile mark. Indeed, they will continue onwards, paying whatever the price for Final Victory over their long-standing political adversaries of the east. As fascist forces pour over the borders, the world holds its breath as it plunges into a devastating war that will cripple it for generations. In the middle of all of this, is you, a commander, at the forefront of the fighting. [center][u][h2]Why You Should Like This RP[/h2][/u][/center] The Pact of Iron and The State are both formed by dozens of individual nations, each with their own cultures, technology, strategies, military doctrine and ideals. Therefore, the player is free to design the soldiers they lead from the bottom up. Uniforms, vehicles, weapons, emblems- it's all down to your imagination. Ever wanted to strap two additional tank funnels to a King Tiger? Well now you can! The technology is on par with World War Two, or the 1940s. Choose your specialisation! Lead an Armoured Squadron as it rolls across the open plains, spearhead an assault by para-dropping with your men over the patchwork quilt of farmlands below, tenaciously hold the line with your anti-tank battery or vie for the skies with your very own Fighter Command. A tactical map is provided, separated into sectors and each designated a number to allow for better player coordination. A plot, an actual plot! Pre-determined overall outcome, with players filling in the void between the opening of the Fascist offensive, and the Communist withdrawal. [center][u][h2]The Plot[/h2][/u][/center] The Communists lose this fight. Out numbered, out classed and out gunned, they crumble in the face of the overwhelming might of the Fascist War Machine. Their story is one of heroism, sacrifice and unwavering courage in the face of an enemy they cannot halt. Though that doesn't mean they will simply lay down and roll over! Communist players are charged with holding the line, at any and all costs. They are to fight and die for the glory of The State, and in doing so, will immortalise themselves in the people's collective memory as heroes. The Fascists win, but find themselves overestimating their enemy. What was supposed to be a walk in the park, quickly descends into a quagmire of blood and death as their offensive slows in the face of stiff Communist resistance. Each wave of assaults brings them closer to victory, but also sends more of their men (or women!) home in body bags. For them, this is the first stage of a war that will come to destroy everything they have come to know and love. [center][u][h2]The Map[/h2][/u][/center] Welcome to Dragon Green, Charlie Sector, commander. All areas with red lettering are considered Communist held areas. Ground assaults, in the form of infantry, cavalry or tanks, must start along the left hand side of the map (area numbers 1, 5, 6 and 11). Meanwhile, airborne assaults can be placed anywhere. You will state your unit's deployment area in your deployment sheet, but first, let's look at the sector map: [img]http://i.imgur.com/0SKGeux.png[/img] Right click the image, and select "View Image" to see it at full size. As you can see, there are four settlements of note. Marene, a small hamlet and local strong point of The State's border defences. Further east is the township of Levont, a small market town with tight medieval streets and a strong Communist military presence. Next is Forkridge, the location of the local Communist Party and Military Headquarters... taking this settlement is the key to the entire sector. Further south is a Collective Farm, where the Communists are mobilising their so-called "worker militias". The RP ends when all areas are secured by Fascist forces. Should this happen, a new RP shall begin, concerning the next stage of the conflict. [center][h2]Like What You See? Sign Up Now![/h2][/center] [center][h2]Or[/h2][/center] [center][h2]Got A Question? Ask Away![/h2][/center] [center][h2]RP's Predicted Launch Date: 18/06/2015 - 19/06/2015[/h2][/center]