[h3]Lady Lobo - Stark Labs[/h3][@Caits][@floodtalon] Since Flood wasn't really responding she rolled her head back over to Connor. "[color=lightblue]Well, it couldn't hurt to watch you fall over yourself trying to figure it out. Just don't expose yourself to it or you'll turn into... any number of things.[/color]" Fidgeting a bit she still wasn't able to free herself. "[color=lightblue]Although I'm not sure how helpful you would be in the long run since you can't even tell that the 'academy' blew up from the inside.[/color]" She said the words while squirming, not really giving much thought to what she just implied had occurred the day before. [hr] [h3]Kagerou - Kat's House[/h3][@Klyix] Kat apparently finding her the ancient woman put off her own thoughts to look at the screen. "[color=plum]Of course he would do this. I suspect this will dredge up old rivalries between groups.[/color]" Sighing she shook her head and rubbed her temples a bit. "[color=plum]Well we can't just ignore it now. Something is going to develop quickly with or without us.[/color]" [hr] [h3]June - Outside AIM Facility[/h3][@Eviledd1984][@Caits] "[color=green]Most of the lab coats are not armed. Watch out for the ones with the masks because they'll have some of the more nasty tools. They aren't all that stealthy wearing bright yellow hazmat suits.[/color]" They came up to one of the entrances which was a large vault like door. Taking her communicator June hooked it up and let it run.