Osaki, or better known as Ki, sat a little while in her desk going over what she had learned once more. It was a lot to take in, even if she heard it so many times. The idea that outside their home in the vault was a desolate land of death and decay. That there was nothing up there waiting to be re-explored. She let out a sigh and looked at her pipboy and looked at her new job description. Maintenance technician. It was not the most wanted job in the vault, hell some people dreaded getting it. She would admit that she had no love for it either, but if the vault needed her there then she would accept it. She watched as some of her classmates left the room, and she had to smile as the local gang tried to recruit somebody. At least she thought she was recruiting someone. Why else talk to someone outside your gang nicely if not to recruit him? She was happy that none of the stories or horrors that where told to us just now did not break anyones spirits. She decided it was time to join those students that were exiting the classroom. She might as well go down to the maintenance wing and check in. She expected a new uniform which would be a good change in pace. She rose up turning her pipboy off as she did so and proceeded to leave the classroom. While she made her way out the class she heard several conversations break out here and there about what job they got. She rolled up her sleaves, or she would have rolled them up if she had not cut them off. She thought a fight between Kat and Marry was going to break out, but Mathew defused it rather quick. Mathew was pretty smart and it did not surprise her. Mathew was probably the smartest person she knew, well as in students like her. They would likely ask her what she got when she passed through. Maybe not though, they might not even notice her as she went by. She heard Kat say she was a tattoo artist. She rose a brow at the thought. Did not know that was a job option. The Overseer must have been too much on the jet at the time when he put it in the system. Then who knows maybe we learned something new about our overseer. Would be surprising if Kat's first customer was the overseer himself. She stopped and looked to Kat and decided to say something. "Tattoo artist huh? Interesting, perhaps now i have chance to hide this damn birth mark." She said twisting the collar around her jumpsuit. "I got stuck in the maintenance wing. Perhaps when I get time I will visit your parlor." She looked to Mathew and Mary with a bit of a smile. "Well I hope you two where luckier then me. Looks like Kat got the one job that sounds like fun."