[quote=@Mihndar] Please ease my aching sensibilities by making them different in other ways besides the physical from humans at least (I believe they already are, but just to reinforce). I'm not going to force you to change anything; I already accepted you, but I'd appreciate a level of originality that distinguishes you from being a carbon copy of humans plus wings. [/quote] Haha, well if you'd like me to elaborate - they're more of the less fantasy side of the D&D races - like dwarves and elves. Height of a dwarf but the agile and fleetness (weak-physical strength too) of an elf. Think of them being a cross of dwarf + elf + harpies. I apologize if I'm not able to make them a little more unique D; I'm the kind of person that likes to stick in bits of realism - as much as possible - in any sci-fi/fantasy things I come up with. :( Their culture I try to imitate real birds as much as I can, in reference to how males love to look pretty (males are always the more colorful/vibrant ones in the bird-kingdom and all) [hr] EDIT: TBH, I'm having a tough time trying to think of a story of an introduction to dyes with a similar format like my previous posts :X Arr, having a lack of knowledge in the field truly limits my capability >< Perhaps I should think of an alternate method of coming up with color dyes D;