[@Song Book] [color=bc8dbf]"Fine. You take the one who doesn't speak English."[/color] Roxy told the other girl. She didn't have the patience to deal with someone she couldn't understand. She looked up and down the hall. There wasn't much to see from where they were. It was typical government building. The floors where a cheerful beige and the walls a lovely gray. There was nothing on the walls other then doors. The amount of doors varied from hall to hall. This hall had 8. There were 4 on each side. Each door had a keypad. There was a guard at each one. Some rooms were labeled but most had no indication of what was inside. She turned to the English speaking boy. [color=bc8dbf]"It isn't likely to be on this floor since he started us here. Do you want to go up or down?"[/color]