[center][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/hyouka/images/b/bb/Eru.png/revision/latest/window-crop/width/200/x-offset/0/y-offset/48/window-width/240/window-height/120?cb=20140726100414&path-prefix=es[/img] [h1]Tomohina[/h1][/center] The panic slowly started to fade, but the anxiety stayed like a hard ball of lead pressing down inside of her. The small girl released the bus. Her hand hurt. Hot metal probably was the best thing to go touching, but it had helped her out of that gloomy dense black fog of negativity. Letting out a small sigh, she lifted her head. Turning it about, her eyes wide, she turned her head about like a satellite. Someone would probably just think she was a regular teen in the crowed, looking for something, but she was doing the closest thing she had to looking. Sound waves were slightly different for every person that produced them, and it would be useful to try and remember just which sounds waves belong to who. The Unision Leaders spoke together, so they were a bit easier to locate, but all the others had their own oddities. There was a girl who was producing her own sound waves, but also those of a crackling fire. Almost like she was on fire! Well parts of her anyway. But no one else seemed to be alarmed. What was wrong with them all?! The girl was on fire! But when that girl got close to her, she stumbled backwards. [i] Fire! I can smell it! I can hear it! Fire! No! No! Stay back! I don't want to catch on fire![/i] Silently the doll-like girl stumbled back before losing her footing and ending up right on her backside. Bewildered, she finally put her hand out, her sightless eye wide and trained on the burning girl, almost as if she could see her. "F-Fire-!" [@KatherinWinter]