Vata walked a couple steps behind Xavier as Xavier led him towards his friend, who would, for whatever reason look exactly like Xavier. He decided not to ask any questions as they walked, since it could distract them from anything they might see looking around. Not that much could be seen through the snow, of course. A moment later, Xavier stopped walking forward, and Vata nearly walked right into him since he wasn't paying attention to where he was walking. Xavier looked like he was rather concerned about something, then said, almost to himself "We should move quickly. I sense danger." With that he started to walk more quickly towards...wherever it was they were going, and Vata struggled to keep up with him through the snow. A couple minutes later the two came across a man that looked [i]exactly[/i] like Xavier, kneeling by a fire. As they got closer, he could see that the man was kneeling by the body of another man in a long coat, who also looked similar to Xavier. At this point, Vata was extremely confused. There were [i]three[/i] people who looked just like Xavier, and he had no idea why. He was so confused by all of this that he didn't notice the short conversation between Alex and Xavier. "W...what is going on here? Who's that guy laying in the snow, and why do you all look the same?"