Thasseldar sighed. "Two issues in particular; one may require me to bring assets in that would be overkill for anything else." "Besides the horde of what seems to be fishes that I hear yelling and gurgling about, there is a certain demigod from an alternate dimension who needs a permanant solution. I had created a very temporary solution to him that resulted in me having to continue on to this world, due to his unbalancing." "The second issue, and the deeper one, I only know off of interactions with my elders and those of considerable seniority to me. I believe there is a being capable of modifying the nature of dimensions themselves... one who is a bit higher level than the typical guardians of a given dimension, and a higher level in that it can undo whatever protectors here have ever done. I would need to bring in an associate for that, but for now, onto the matter at hand." Just as he said that, he spotted an oversized serpant-thing coming down the main road to his left, slithering and hissing while cars were shoved to the side as though they meant nothing. "This matter could have been caused by anything from the dimensional troubles to a hidden nation of beings that have decided to attack now, but whatever the case, I think the city would be better off without oversized and overextending sushi wrecking the place."