After the commotion had calmed down, David took a casual glance around before he decided it was time to go find his cabin number. While he was looking he noticed a girl walking towards him. This girl had a look of determination and confidence in her eyes. She was walking over to him, and there was something different about her. David took off his head phones as she stood in front of him. One thing that caught him off guard was that he could not read her mind. No matter what he tried he could not get a grip on anything. Every time her tried he would hear a fuzzy static, like that of a car radio with no signal. Then it dawned on him that this was the other person with telepathy. He was so excited on the inside, but kept a cool face, he didn't know what to say so he went with what came to his mind,[color=magenta] "Hello my name is David."[/color] [@BlackCat]