[quote=@Miss Echo] The only concern of mine is that if someone that is in the RP isn't here while everyone is posting it out... Someone might not know what is going on and as they are reading back to find out, everyone is still posting, making it hard for someone to post something and get into the story... That is why I like the order thing so that everyone can keep on the same page and someone doesn't feel like they are getting left out because they have a busy life away from the computer. [/quote] That's exactly why to not have a posting order, because people tend to disappear for unknown amounts of time, and they kill good rps. Posting order only works in advanced, where they take more time for one post. This is casual, where we keep it from becoming spam and don't write novels, but more casually(hence the name). It kills the momentum when someone holds up an rp and in turn, the rp. I have a very busy lifestyle. I work from 5 to 5, but with a two hour lunch break. Sometimes my day goes longer, I still manage to get maybe two or three good sized posts up.