Luke took a deep breath, trying to steel his nerves, as he had been taught by his instructors from early childhood. "Fear and passion, serve only to betray you in battle." Were always the words that stung the most through any of his training, because it seemed the words were always followed by Luke making friend's with the ground beneath him. "The only way to prevail, in swordplay, and anything else you do, is to remain calm, rational, and level headed. If you let your emotions take the reigns, you will undoubtedly meet with failure everytime." Luke hated the redundancy of these words, but after being on his own for this long, they always managed to keep him alive. While reaching for his notched dagger clipped in a small sheath strapped to his left outer thigh, he was jerked back into the stairway he had just emerged from. After barely catching his footing and avoiding a tumble, Luke saw the source of his unwilling retreat. Without a moments hesitation, Luke was letting passion speak for him, "Que pensez-vous que vous faites ?" Luke took a moment and spoke in the Portuguese he had picked up while spending time in Sintra, "They're defending us, and I must help them!" The woman, now pattered with enough water to make the hems of her skirt and blouse heavy, merely rolled her eyes. Her tight hold on his collar hadn't flinched in the slightest, and with the same unkind strength it seemed she was determined to pull him all the way down to the lower deck. "Running into cannon fire is a lovely way to kill yourself, boy, not that thing tearing everything apart. Did you even think about where you were standing? If it had noticed you, it may have very well come barreling down into the ship where the injured are being taken care of. You're smart enough to know French--be smart enough to know how to stay alive." Struggling to loosen the grip even slightly, Luke retorted in a sort of grumble, "Any able body should be out there defending the ship, if it doesn't make it, none of us will." Luke tried planting his feet, trying to stay grounded. "Before you decided to intervene, I way preparing to move. I won't let myself be killed here, or any where else." Luke felt around for something to hold on to, hoping that it might give him some leverage, any falter in her grip and he might be able to free himself. "Who are you anyway, and who do you think you are trying to stop me, i don't recall pledging any loyalty to you, or having any of your blood run through my veins." He began to contemplate escaping his shirt, then her hold on him would be broken. Suddenly, the passageway was lit with the with what couldn't possibly, but seemed to be nearly indistinguishable from that of the sun. Sparked by curiosity, Luke made a last effort to escape, hand on Dagger, Luke spunĀ  and severed the collar, freeing him of the women's grasp. "You can go back and hide, defend those who need it, but I'm going to lend a hand to those men out there, fighting for the ship and all it's passengers." Luke turned back towards the rain and unexplainable light that illuminated the deck and stairway, and as the two worked against his vision, he turned back once more to the lady who held his collar, "Just as others joined this crew, I chose to be here. I'm gonna go find out what's going on up there, and I'm going to help any way I can, if I can't fight, I'll at least be another body for that thing to be distracted by, there's only one of it, and the more of us there are, the more likely we are to land a decisive blow." Luke took a second to catch his breath, and thought to himself, "I'm a Du Sand, and we live by the idea, if you have the means to help, you are obligates to help." The woman's hands rested on her hips as she stared at the boy, both amused and annoyed. "I think you might be on the wrong ship, boy--it's a place for liars and the hopeless, not heady heroes willing to crush themselves at the soonest opportunity." Her eyes then squinted towards the deck. "There's not much for you to do either way." Luke looked back towards the deck trying to see what the woman had when she squinted, "What do you mean, what do you see?" The woman sighed, waving a dismissive hand. "You're going to run up and look regardless of what I say, boy. I'm done having my fingers nearly cut off by your foolishness, so you can join me down here or go play pretend up there." "Don't mind if I do." Luke smiled as he turned and ran upstairs to where the action was. With the thought of what the lady said gnawing at the back of his mind he quickly ran behind cover and waited for a moment to strike. Noticing the man limp on the floor next to the heavy armor, Luke's eyes were fixed as he waited for an opportunity to help him, he didn't want to see anyone else hurt. [Hider=Credit] [@Fairess] [@KingKryent] [/hider]